infraction page

offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok wtf is up. My last infraction does not show up on my infraction page.
I still plea not guilty
but I got it and want it please and thank you errrr WTF
Mine point out showsup:

(Thanks DD)

Clesed but not forgotten

Reason: Disrespect to Staff Member
12-02-2013 10:57 PM by DDarkness
5 / Expired

you imagine how may pages of infractions I hadda go back ta find somethin from thirteen?

Anyone seen GP or VL?
elghund's Avatar
ok wtf is up. My last infraction does not show up on my infraction page.
I still plea not guilty
but I got it and want it please and thank you errrr WTF Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Welcome back, big guy!
