I really should go to sleep considering my profession, and no not this one, requires extreme focus, attention to detail, and responsibility for others. 5:30am comes way too early :/ I have paced, tried to read, taken a hot shower, drank some warm milk...gross!! What do you guys do when you get bouts of insomnia? I can not function on lack of sleep. is how I feel right now!
Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
I've had it for years. Unfortunately it led to an addiction to Ambien and other harmful, addictive drugs. I think a good natural solution is chamomile tea, really wind down with a nice, relaxing bath with candlelights, and I also use a diffuser that has lavender in it, which has been scientifically proven to be a relaxer. Another natural remedy is to take a capsule of this stuff called valerian root, which is related to the catnip plant
You have to really wind down and chill, relax your mind, meditate, take deep breaths.
On the occasion when none of that works, I just stay up. It's better than tossing and turning and getting little sleep. I stay up and go to the gym around 5am and just work out and then that following night I am DEAD.