A Word to the Wise

A girl in the Lincoln area that I had posted about back in November is on the scene again. Here is the link to my original post:


And here is a link to the SipSap listing at the time:


Now, this is purely my conjecture, but I believe she has been posting on Backpage
under this listing:


I'm reasonably sure that middle pic is her.

There are some of you in the area that are aware of her. I'm just going to suggest some caution in contacting her since I see that she has, once again, been busted for
activity outside of the Hobby Life. This would be the 2nd time I know of since late November. I am only mentioning this, again as a caution, since I know some guys don't care to play with someone that attracts too much attention. Not here to hurt anyone's business, just sharing information. And yes, it is my speculation that it is the same person in all the postings I have included, but I do feel reasonably confident.

Make your own choices.
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  • LNK
  • 02-18-2014, 07:47 AM
Thanks for the warning, MP