So.. is This Chick by Chance.. a Provider in Houston?

Chung Tran's Avatar
Dorian Gray's Avatar
When police interviewed the unnamed student, he said Smith, 42, had seductively placed a school chair in front of the classroom after the tardy bell rang. Music began to play – from some undisclosed source – and several students in the class began yelling raucously that the birthday boy should sit down in the chair.

Once the kid sat down, the fortysomething teacher gave him what was perhaps his first full-contact lap dance. According to a police report, Smith did the thing where she turned around and swiveled her butt on the middle school student. She rubbed her hands all over his body. She also got down on her knees and stuck her head between the boy’s legs.

It’s not clear if the kid enjoyed the lap dance. However, he admitted that he did slap Smith’s ass a couple times.

Then again......

Russ38's Avatar
Where the fuck was this bitch when I was in school?....Fucking kids today have it made...cell phones, lap dancing teachers and still can't keep their fucking mouth shut and not fuck up a good thing....smh
Where the fuck was this bitch when I was in school?....Fucking kids today have it made...cell phones, lap dancing teachers and still can't keep their fucking mouth shut and not fuck up a good thing....smh Originally Posted by Russ38

Where the fuck was this bitch when I was in school?....Fucking kids today have it made...cell phones, lap dancing teachers and still can't keep their fucking mouth shut and not fuck up a good thing....smh Originally Posted by Russ38
No shit and they post everything on facebook/twitter
kerwil62's Avatar
Where the fuck was this bitch when I was in school?....Fucking kids today have it made...cell phones, lap dancing teachers and still can't keep their fucking mouth shut and not fuck up a good thing....smh Originally Posted by Russ38
No shit bro!!!

I'm seeing so many cases of female teachers molesting male students and them lil' bastards running their mouths and shit! Back in the day I WISHED I could've fucked a fine teacher in high school, as badly as I needed pussy! Shit like this is a horny kid's dream!

Social media done fucked up everything. SMMFH.........

In case of this chick here, I wonder if she was a stripper 20 years ago. They usually don't forget how to dance.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 04-26-2014, 08:57 AM
Where the fuck was this bitch when I was in school?....Fucking kids today have it made...cell phones, lap dancing teachers and still can't keep their fucking mouth shut and not fuck up a good thing....smh Originally Posted by Russ38
Speckrecker's Avatar
Where the fuck was this bitch when I was in school?....Fucking kids today have it made...cell phones, lap dancing teachers and still can't keep their fucking mouth shut and not fuck up a good thing....smh Originally Posted by Russ38
My 8th grade teacher was HOT and really into mini skirts and had a habit of sitting on the front of her desk with her legs crossed facing the class. We knew by the sly grin she made every time she would uncross and recross her legs, that we were looking up her skirt.
She would laugh every time she saw us drop our pencils on the floor and retrieve them so that we got a better look when she recrossed her legs.
She knew what she was doing. And we loved it. The girls in the class never did figure out what we were snickering about. ROFL!
Number1stunner's Avatar
Where the fuck was this bitch when I was in school?....Fucking kids today have it made...cell phones, lap dancing teachers and still can't keep their fucking mouth shut and not fuck up a good thing....smh Originally Posted by Russ38
Like the one that happened at MacArthur High a couple of months back......

Teacher comes to his house at night to pick him up, takes him back to her place in Midtown, kid smashes all night at her place and spends the night. Wow.......

and she was her name.....
kerwil62's Avatar
Like the one that happened at MacArthur High a couple of months back......

Teacher comes to his house at night to pick him up, takes him back to her place in Midtown, kid smashes all night at her place and spends the night. Wow.......

and she was her name..... Originally Posted by Black Bauer
Boy was 18. She was 32.

Boy claims he was an adult. By age he was but by common sense he was still a kid. Why the fuck would you post pics of you two on Instagram?? Guess he wanted to tell the world how good the pussy was.

Yet another sad example of kids not knowing how to keep their fucking mouths closed.
Wakeup's Avatar
Not about kids not being able to keep their mouths's about adults who are idiotic enough to believe that kids will keep their mouths shut...

Kids are ignorant...adults are insanely ignorant...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Teacher comes to his house at night to pick him up, takes him back to her place in Midtown, kid smashes all night at her place and spends the night. Wow.......

and she was her name..... Originally Posted by Black Bauer
Anyone else notice the two (2) minors in the background with the "Dat Ass" face?

I'd skeet on her glasses. IJS