save your fuck money!

Tits McFloppin's Avatar
man this is redickuless! DR PHIL is a doosh bag if he things dudes are gonna pay this much for masage girls and not even get fool service!
I know I'm gonna regret asking this, Tmac, but how did Dr. Phil get pulled into this?

OTTER7001's Avatar
Hey Tits, have you seen Courtney? I thought she was TGTBT.
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
DR PHIL aint the dude on TV ok. there is a dude in nash who gots some girls for masage and doing IT. BUT they charge alot more just so he gets a cut. then theres alotta hookers who dont work with him and he texts them from 1 of his hookers phones like he is her BUT then calls them sayen he gots them a apt with a dude whos gonna pay alot more then she gets IF she give him $30 of every $100 see. where does this dude get off thinken he can call independant hookers and try to get them to be in his secret agencey that rips them and the dudes off?

dont know about COURTNEY but seen where somebuddy on a dif site says not good or some thing like that. them pics looks fake but dont matter if its her or not. if they was gonna be a agencey then fine but i dont like how they try todo biz.
mike1701's Avatar
ya know tittyD, he just playing the ol pimp game.......
"Pimpin' ain't easy, so keep your ho's sleazy and they'll keep your palms greasy." ~ Big Bo$$ Player
A real pimp would take all of the money, not just some of it.