I need to work this into my casual conversation...

bluffcityguy's Avatar
I just stumbled across a ShowCase here for A Lady In Another State who obviously (from her pictures) is "fetish friendly".

Under her descriptive info, she lists among her favorite activities "light bonage".

Obviously she meant "bondage", but it strikes me that "bonage" (especially pronounced with a fake French accent, as "BONE-ahge"... or maybe "bon-AHGE"*) is such a gloriously euphonious euphemism for "humping" that I am sorry I'm not in telephone contact with people in the hobby, as the subject never seems to come up at the workplace. (And since bcg is so pathologically asocial, he has no social life to speak of, so the subject never comes up there, either.)

Oh well, maybe I'll luck out.

Here's hoping y'all have some wonderful bonage in your futures!



*bcg will admit that years ago as a grade school student, he very comprehensively flunked French, so he's not clear as to the proper pronunciation... input from any former Romance language majors will be gratefully accepted.
Guest031114's Avatar
I think it is without a doubt "bon-ahge." To bad you can't get one at "Tar-ghe" the french owned Wal-Mart.