I wonder

Tab-A's Avatar
  • Tab-A
  • 11-13-2010, 05:25 PM
We engage in perhaps the most physically intimate activities known to man.*

Usually, physical intimacy is proceeded by emotional intImacy, but not in our world.*

After several years of random experience in the life, I came to the conclusion that seeing a couple of my favorite providers is better for me than the random walk. That's where i now operate.*

The more I continue on this path the more the emotional attraction is dragged along with the physical. I find myself wanting to be the providers' "best friend".*

Knowing that there is trouble ahead makes me wonder whether others have been in is pickle and how they coped. *
blyerm's Avatar
Your right, the emotional is inseparable from the physical for many of us. When you boil life down to its essence, sex is its epicenter and nothing drives our bodies and souls more completely. But the illusion of that perfect connection is still reality when it happens and those moments echo inside. I often wonder if providers have conflicting moments as well and how they cope. But for me the illusion easily trumps the alternative where nothing echoes and nothing is shared. I think the Buddhist idea, “all life is sorrowful”, is somewhat applicable to this situation.
Hello Tab-A

I figured I might as well offer a providers perspective :-)

I have experience this personally (towards a client) and I have also seen this happen with some of those I see regularly (*buffs nails on blouse egotistically* ;-). Sorry, I couldn't help but play on how arrogant that last bit sounded :-)

But I digress... Much like any other relationship in which we become emotionally involved, often we don't do anything to prevent the inevitable. Like seeing a train wreck about to happen but doing nothing to stop it because it would be pointless. When our emotions come into the picture, all bets are off.

I could give you hypocritical advice and tell you to cut your loses and find new individuals to see. But my guess is that you wont do that, most of us don't. We hold on to the hopeful fantasy that the other party will feel the same and everything will turn out wonderful. This, however, is not always the case from what I've seen. Occasionally individuals find one another through this venue and they click- this is how providers begin to have "regulars." But I have seen gentlemen become too attached and begin to expect a relationship outside of their normal interaction, forgetting that this is in fact a business. No matter how much we enjoy your company, this is a professional endeavor for us. If it wasn't the dynamic would not be the same.

The world we operate in is unique, we keep certain aspects of our lives secret- that is what makes it so exciting!- but this secrecy also means we don't usually fully know everyone we're interacting with. When I am in the company of a gentleman, I don't put on a face mask and I don't complain about school or work. In those moments I am with him, I am only there to enjoy our escape from the world. But, if I am with a "best friend" I will do all that stuff and more because the dynamic of our relationship is different. This is the difference between a "best friend" and a business arrangement.

Now for the good news: this will most likely pass. Like most infatuations, it will probably burn itself out and you will no longer be troubled with this quandary. Until then, try not to stress about it too much and just enjoy the ride (no pun intended ;-)
Anna, thank you for your perspective from the other end.

Tab-A, don't lose sight of the fact that the whole purpose of hobbying is for companionship without commitment. Empathy and friendship, yes. Emotional attachment, no.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I stick to a few myself. And read before there was any replys. Passed on a reply then as I was not sure how to say what I wanted to say. I can give you lots of stories. But in the end all look to fit what Anna Symon posted.
Look, this is tough stuff actually.

1. For many of us, our dick is connected to our heart and vice versa.

2. It may actually be more accurate to say our heart is connected to our dick and vice versa.

Logically, those two sentences are supposed to be the same.

My midget emotional IQ says they are not.

When all else fails, remember...


If it is something other than that, step back.

And just in case the late night alcohol is inhibiting my clarity, let me say it again slightly differently.


Happy Hunting.
Tab-A's Avatar
  • Tab-A
  • 11-14-2010, 09:12 AM
My thanks to all!
  • m2244
  • 11-14-2010, 09:48 AM
tab-a....it is normal to become friends on a certain level.......that is why i sort of posted about the "running into eachother thread".....if I saw someone I knew from here out in public which I have seen many of you .....I WOULD RUN AWAY LOL......only if I was with a friend or family. (that is only because merley it can be hard to explain why I have friends to my family that are sometimes 40 plus yrs older then me LOL........although I will admit I have made some life long friends in this buisness as well.....that is mostly why i love to do it..meeting new people.........anytime I feel like someone is "falling in love" I usually try to get them to reach out and esperience new ladies as well. It helps to wonder around a bit. because its a bit harder to fall in love with 4 ladies all at once!!!!!!!! It is like a small crush just...hang in there and realize that it is friend love.....as i like to call it
  • m2244
  • 11-14-2010, 09:49 AM
hope that made sense.......to sum it up.....don't get to deep it can scare some ladies and it can be very overwhelming sometimes when it happens
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 11-14-2010, 10:17 AM
I agree with the opinion of Anna …………. In general and probably 99.999% of the time.

Anna - (But I digress... Much like any other relationship in which we become emotionally involved, often we don't do anything to prevent the inevitable. Like seeing a train wreck about to happen but doing nothing to stop it because it would be pointless. When our emotions come into the picture, all bets are off.)

The question should be "can anyone really fall in love with a Provider?"
My personal answer would be - Yes, of course.
We are all human, and as humans have feelings, emotions, desires and love within us. It does not matter if this woman is a provider or a dentist. I would argue that if the two love each other then it might work out. But it really depends on the person. A lot of people would have a problem with their significant other having sex with other people. The fact that it's her job might make it different.
There are many providers that have SO’s that have accepted the reality and the facts.

If you really want to know if it will work, if she can really love you and be with you, provider and all, you will just have to be honest with her and see where it goes. You will need to see how you feel about what she does for a living, and if you can accept that in a relationship. Is a woman able to go from the "provider" role into the "girlfriend" role?

On the other hand, GFE Providers are more than a sex act. They have to be smart and make a man feel like he is what he sees himself as within his own mind. It is very easy to fall in love with a GFE provider. You must remember that this could simply be part of the job. Providers just like us have their favorite Friends, but that does not necessarily mean that they fell in love with them.
I really do think that there is someone out there for each of us and if this woman (provider) is that special one in your life then it will work out. The man and the woman must be ready to make concessions for each other to make the other happy.

The bottom line, Does She love you also?

To Anna Symon : I too have experienced this personally (towards a provider)
To Tab-A: You are not alone, Most Guys will never admit it because they keep calling it a Hobby !!!
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