Who dances

Pokey1965's Avatar
I'm just curious, what would you say is the percentage of providers that also work at strip clubs?
Britttany_love's Avatar
I'm pretty sure there's a good amount of ladies hear that dance in clubs but I'm pretty sure they're not going to openly out themselves and risk their job in the club.
I danced for many years.. Mostly in California... It was a ton of fun!! The clubs here are lame... Doesn't mean I still don't go to to party from time to time(sometimes too much.. If ur reading this, KEEP UR MOUTH SHUT LOL!)
Pokey1965's Avatar
Yeah, once I posted this I realized there's no way to answer this anonymously, so I'm not expecting many replies.
nativetexan2708's Avatar
I've wondered this same thing but you're right. No real way to answer it without outing yourself. It would be nice though! What better way to see if you want to see someone bcd than getting a table dance from them!