Carnaval> Austin's Brazlian mardi gras

sue_nami's Avatar
who is going to carnaval this Saturday night? I am very excited. the theme is Texas this year, It is a wild costume party with live music, conga lines and drummers with samba music and topless women with painted on costumes. i love it, and never miss it! Who else here is going?
nuglet's Avatar
sounds like a vision of hell.. Once was enough
endurance's Avatar
maybe some brazilians will show up - they canceled theirs this year! never thought i'd see that!
sue_nami's Avatar
there's always a HUGE Brazilian contingent and it is the largest caranval outside of Brazil so we already have tourists coming for this event. I had not considered that theirs was canceled, we may have even more hot Brazilian folks!!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I so hope I can make it this yr. It's on my bucket list,but I don't think its gna happen this yr. To whoever is going have a great time.
sue_nami's Avatar
Firephoenix, if you get a wild hair and want to to go last minute, let me know, I'll give you a ride and save you the parking fee. It is a not to be missed fun party hun. There are tickets at the door.
BadBoyForLife69's Avatar
I am going this Saturday! I just found out some group from Fetlife is going to. I am just waiting on this Provider to confirm IF she going this Saturday. We have been planning it for a year. So she won't miss it! If not we plan for it in 2017!
I think I will .. dang totally forgot about it.. lol thanks for the heads up..
FS_ITC's Avatar
I'll be there! Had a blast last year. Got my "Texas wear" ready!
FS_ITC's Avatar
I am going this Saturday! I just found out some group from Fetlife is going to. Originally Posted by BadBoyForLife69
There is an actual group? I only saw the event posting.
When I was a young mighty warrior carnaval was tons of fun. There was always some sweet thang who wanted my number. Now I would just feel like some creepy middle aged chaperon.
Instead I'll be doing wine, cheese, chocolate covered strawberries, candles and soft music by the lake with a pair of very intelligent beauties (You know who you are). The quiet life suits me better.
Preferring good conversation over painted boobs? You know I've completely lost it lol.
sue_nami's Avatar
I'm glad i still like the painted boobs better. lol have fun hun. variety makes us happy!
I'm glad i still like the painted boobs better. lol have fun hun. variety makes us happy! Originally Posted by sue_nami
So true. I know you'll have a blast especially with those awesome boobs.
sue_nami's Avatar
it was so fun! who was there? amazing costumes as usual and so many topless women! yea for painted boobies
FS_ITC's Avatar
I was there in my cowboy costume. It was a blast! The girl friends I was with insisted on body paint! Talk about attracting attention!

Now that it's over, can't wait until next year!