Craigslist staff edit forbidden subject FF

Manacorn86's Avatar
Has anyone bought forbidden subject staff edit FF off Craigslist before. I only ask because and the only other two people I know live in new bruenfuls and San Antonio.
Don't do it.... I did it in NYC because my friends had done it before. I wouldn't do it unless you someone else has.
redbeard42's Avatar
I'd be suspicious of the second-hand dildo market on Craigslist.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
What he said ^

Unless its pyrex, then boil the shit out of it
Adam& has great online deals
TemptationTammie's Avatar
So does
endurance's Avatar
It's funny the kind of things that pop into your head to replace "forbidden subject staff edit FF" - although I have to admit DILDO turned out to be much better
Manacorn86's Avatar
Lol...yeah Dildo is pretty funny and now I know where to get them thanks to everyone who help. Unfortunately that is not the "forbidden subject" I was looking for but I did find it and I did have a good laugh.
redbeard42's Avatar
I imagine quite a lot of things in life can be improved by adding dildos.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Forbidden Subject - the new fragrance by Calvin Klein. Drives mods crazy.
slocum's Avatar