Masturbation ....

I heard a comedian say this:

"We guys HAVE to masturbate, women do not!
Women don't understand,
Sometimes you think you're the cure, when actually, you're the cause!"

I'm not so sure I agree.
WE .... we women are the cause?

When it comes to masturbation, do you feel the urge MORE if you're getting more sex?
OR ... you're not getting sex and HAVE to do it.

Are some addicted?
How many times do you do it a day?
Doesn't too much masturbating cause difficulties when with a woman you go limp?

Clue us in guys!
Bald Bryan's Avatar
"when actually, you're the cause!"

Without witnessing the tone of the comedian being quoted, I chalk this up to the idea that the simple of existence of women is what makes us horny and want to masturbate. You know, pheromones floatin around and shit. It doesn't really take all that much for us to start thinking with our dicks.
Last Ride's Avatar
Masturbating is for the young (under 30). It is the male hormones.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
"We guys HAVE to masturbate"


Sex or not; woman or not. Only time it doesn't happen is when the dick starts hurting.

Below is from Wolf of Wall Street

- Do I... Do I jerk off?

- Yeah. Yeah, I jerk off. Yeah.

- How many times a week?

- Like, um, three or four. Three or four times, maybe five.

- Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.

- I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day. Once in the morning right after I work out, then once right after lunch.

- Really?

- I want to. That's not why I do it. I do it 'cause I fucking need to.

- Think about it. You're dealing with numbers. All day long, decimal points, high frequencies. Bang, bang, bang. Fucking digits.

- All very acidic above-the-shoulders mustard shit. All right? It kind of wigs some people out.

- Right. (5)
Pangolier's Avatar
There's been talk that too much autostimulation can reduce the sensitivity of the penis. I have my doubts that this has ever been proven scientifically, unless you are referring to several times a day, 365 days a year. That alone would likely cause a rash on the skin, and prevent overdoing it due to the discomfort.

I don't believe a hand can ever mimic the warmth of a vaginal canal. It's a different sensation, but during intercourse you have less control. Too fast, too slow, or your partner is too wet or too dry you may have difficulty achieving orgasm, especially if they have their own request during the process, such as shagging from behind at an awkward angle; that's never fun for the member, but the girl might like the position even if the guy doesn't. Or if she doesn't want you going too deep, etc... You look at the other side of the coin and it's freestyle, you can just do whatever you want. Some guys may get more pleasure only by touching certain parts of their dong, etc... Whereas if it's inside a vagina the whole thing is usually in contact with flesh.

In any case, I'm not sure it matters. If the desire is there, but the woman is not, then it's either the hand or nothing; guy's choice. Conversely, there have been studies that have shown excessive porn watching DOES make it difficult, or in severe cases of addiction, nearly impossible to achieve an erection without watching it. It doesn't effect the genitals directly, but it does something to the brain that links digital nudity directly to arousal. This can be a serious problem during a sexual encounter with a woman and you don't have access to your Porn Hub. One reason why I rarely watch porn. In fact, I'm not even sure I watch porn once a month.

If I decide to use the hand, I rely on my own fantasies and thoughts that kind of steered me in that direction, I almost never turn towards the screen.
Bald Brian
It doesn't really take all that much for us to start thinking with our dicks.

LOL …. Hells Bells.
Sometimes I wonder how you dudes make it through the day,
especially being surrounded by sexy and beautiful ladies.
And you typically have communicative access to them.
You want to spank that monkey all the time!

Us women …. What would happen if we starting thinking with our vaginas?
The world would be a mess. Just constant orgies and society would go to hell.
Nothing would get accomplished, and we would have never made it to the moon!

Last Ride
Masturbating is for the young (under 30). It is the male hormones.

Well LR … I know quite a few guys in their upper years who admit they still masturbate on a regular basis.
Perhaps there are those who just have a higher sex drive than others?

Sex or not; woman or not. Only time it doesn't happen is when the dick starts hurting.

LMAO – dudes …. Doesn’t something click in your big head that says …. I’m overdoing it!

….unless you are referring to several times a day, 365 days a year.
That alone would likely cause a rash on the skin, and prevent overdoing it due to the discomfort.

That makes sense …. But I should say, many have admitted to me they MB 2 or 3 times a day.

Shit …. You would think their dick would fall off!
This can’t be healthy.
Obviously, they are addicted or not seeking other alternatives.

… but during intercourse you have less control.
Too fast, too slow, or your partner is too wet or too dry, you may have difficulty achieving orgasm,
especially if they have their own request during the process …
You look at the other side of the coin and it's freestyle, you can just do whatever you want …

Ok, I get that. It takes the right partner to share what works for both parties.
The end result can be mind blowing!

On the subject of “you can do whatever you want”.
Well us gals …. when we pull out our “little friend from the drawer” … the same goes.

Sometimes dudes don’t know how to find and hit the direct spot.
They might fumble around a bit, with no success unless guided by the lady.
Or, they overcompensate by trying too hard.
Often times, they can rub us raw or dig in with the finger action as if they are aggressively hunting for a treasure.

Conversely, there have been studies that have shown excessive porn watching DOES make it difficult,
or in severe cases of addiction, nearly impossible to achieve an erection without watching it.
It doesn't affect the genitals directly, but it does something to the brain that links digital nudity directly to arousal.
This can be a serious problem during a sexual encounter with a woman …

Good comment …. and I am in agreement.

If I decide to use the hand, I rely on my own fantasies and thoughts that kind of steered me in that direction.
I almost never turn towards the screen.

Well, Pangolier … that is actually a very decent remark.
I wish more dudes had that mentality.
I still masturbate and am an older man.I enjoy doing it.Its relaxing and sleep comes easily.
DownForWhatever's Avatar my age, I only have so many shots left in the I save them for hobby activities.
As I have gotten older my sex drive has only increased, which has resulted in more masturbation and hobbying
So why is it .... you think women reach their sexual peak at 40 .... but guys start to tear it up at 15? Then when us gals reach 40 ... and we spend time with older men ... they might have a hard time keeping up with this.
Is this a cruel joke on Mother Nature while she is trying to set things straight?
Mother Nature .... I know you have the right to have your opinion heard
downing beer - oretening to be the macho guy . BUT WHY?
ok ... last post didn't make much sense ...

Here is what I'm trying to say ...

So why is it .... you think women reach their sexual peak at 40.
But guys start tearing it up at 15?

So when us gals reach 40+ ... and we spend time with older men ... they might have a hard time keeping up with us.
Some do .... and some need encouragement and coaxing.

What was it that Mother Nature had in mind when she designed it this way.

I don't think it was a cruel joke .... but why didn't she make the sexual drive the same at certain ages between male and female.

Perhaps she knew ..... that guys need direction in the intimacy department ... and decided to set our sexual drive as so ..... knowing we could "teach" the young lads how to maneuver through the process. Manners, Respect, Charm; Loyalty; Connection; Politeness ; all with a bit of swag.

Dang .... Stacy's Mom has got it goin on ....

How many young dudes masturbated to this?
  • tj69
  • 06-30-2022, 08:32 AM
In my early 50’s here and still go at it almost daily. It’s entirely driven by the lack of sex at home. And my ATF is basically retired. I try to limit my porn viewing and use my imagination and some awesome memories to help get me to the finish line.
pmdelites's Avatar my age, I only have so many shots left in the I save them for hobby activities. Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
the male body forms new sperm over time.
the female body, tho, only has so many eggs; no new ones are created.

on topic, i started jacking off when i was about 13 or so. i used to do it many times a week, max about 4 times in a day. i have jacked in all kinds of places - homes, swimming pools, airplane bathrooms, office bathrooms, gym shower rooms (totally enclosed), backyards, cars (even going down the interstate at 70+), in bed next to sleeping s.o., department store dressing rooms, etc.

these days, while i still like jacking and getting oral delites til cumpletion, i only jack about 1x/week and get some intimate delites about 1x/month.

some of a person's desire for masturbating is pure lust.
some of the times, it can be controlled w/ mind over matter.
just do what feels deliteful!!!
Maybe 1-2x per week.

I’d love to find ladies here who are into for mutual masturbation sessions !
DallasRain's Avatar
mutual masturbation is sooo hot!!

masturbation is a healthy part of sex