This article describes how Orwell's and Huxley's prophecies about the US are coming true. In addition to the comment, I also appreciated the way the lie is exposed that there is a difference between the left wing and right wing in politics. There really isn't, as the graphic below describes:
There is either freedom, or control. The further you are along the right wing or left wing, the further you are away from freedom.
There is more to the story, to be found here:
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
OH GOODY!!! Let's get over there right next to Anarchy. Gritsboy, you keep trying to make points with things that don't make sense and are unworkable. There's a reason the Wild West went away and, no, it wasn't because of governmental suppression of the good, true, generous and helpful nature of mankind.
I can't agree with part of this. The basis of conservatism is a respect for the rules whether that is law or the Constitution. Some people go beyond conservative principals just like some people go beyond progressivism to socialist and they should not be allowed to claim something that they are not. A conservative will not violate your rights because to do so would run counter to the Constitution. I can't believe you actually SAY this kind of sh*t, Corneyhole. A progressive doesn't believe in the Constitution other than as a way to twist it into restricting individual freedoms for the common good. I'll highlight that last little "gem" in the purple it deserves, since it's nothing but hyper-ventillated purple prose.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Our boy, Francis the Talking Corneyhole has, once again, removed any doubt as to his ability to think either critically or logically (or, for that matter, in ANY way). Well, no news is good news, or so they say.