Former S.C. Republican official: ‘C*cksucker’ anti-war vet should have ‘come home in a body bag’

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, now, as part of my "pro-GOP" agenda, let's look at the case of former South Carolina GOP Chairman Todd Kincannon who shared the following:

The former head of the South Carolina Republican Party on Sunday lashed out at an Iraq war veteran who now opposes the war, saying that he should have “come home in a body bag.”

In a series of tweets, former South Carolina GOP executive director Todd Kincannon blasted Iraq war veteran Michael Prysner over tweets last week defending former Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez and the assertion that an American police officer was a “coward and a sociopath.”

“What do you get when you combine asshattery and jizzwhistlery with a side of epic douchebaggery? Why, you get @MikePrysner!” Kincannon wrote.

The former South Carolina GOP head continued: “This cocksucker @MikePrysner insults American policemen yet thinks Hugo Chavez, currently burning in Hell, was a misunderstood humanitarian.”

Well, could this guy be any stupider? Unfortunately, in a party that nominates or elects people like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Rick Perry, and others, he probably isn't even near the top.

But I ALWAYS support Republicans, don't I? Stupid is not party related, and both parties are chock full of idiots, and each party has a couple that break the mold and actually try to be constructive. They are in the minority.

chefnerd's Avatar
Stupid is not party related, and both parties are chock full of idiots, and each party has a couple that break the mold and actually try to be constructive. They are in the minority.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There is absolutely no monopoly on stupidity at any level of life or government, if of course government is actually alive instead of being zombie-like responding to whomever gives them the most money for their re-election campaign(s).
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
COG lets get some more truth in there. Todd Akin (this has become a pet project) was not nominated by the GOP but they got stuck with him. McCaskill (his democratic opponent) spent millions running ads in favor of Akin and democrats not having their own election crossed the lines to vote for the weakess GOP candidate. McCaskill got 5 times more votes in the general than they she did in the primary. Akins got less than twice as many votes in the general as he did in the primary. 5:2 ratio for those who are counting. Common sense and math says that they should have been about equal.

So I will say again (and the math supports me) Akin was the GOP candidate of the democratic party.
So I will say again (and the math supports me) Akin was the GOP candidate of the democratic party. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How convenient!
redriverronin's Avatar
Cog love that image need to put it on everything everywhere.
COG lets get some more truth in there. Todd Akin (this has become a pet project) was not nominated by the GOP but they got stuck with him. McCaskill (his democratic opponent) spent millions running ads in favor of Akin and democrats not having their own election crossed the lines to vote for the weakess GOP candidate. McCaskill got 5 times more votes in the general than they she did in the primary. Akins got less than twice as many votes in the general as he did in the primary. 5:2 ratio for those who are counting. Common sense and math says that they should have been about equal.

So I will say again (and the math supports me) Akin was the GOP candidate of the democratic party. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Isn't the election over barley brains? tough shit ,it worked. Kinda like swift boating.