
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Ahead of infrastructure talks, House Democrats release $137B bill


In their last meeting on infrastructure, Pelosi, Schumer and Trump agreed to work toward a $2 trillion infrastructure plan. Wednesday's meeting is meant to fill in details on what to include in the plan and how to pay for it.

Trade and infrastructure are inextricably linked. Supply chains depend on good transportation methods. From the concrete and asphalt streets. The the virtual world of storing information in the clouds and of course shopping online. To the final delivery method. Electric drone or deisel truck.

The Butterfly Effect lends itself to depending on communication. With Huawei in the crosshairs of intelligence and intellectual property rights; what are your questions, comments, concerns and/or answers to the failing physical and intangible issues facing the future of infrastructure?

The city of Baltimore is currently facing a crisis in its data retention. It refuses to pay the ransom to hackers hiding public and private information. The city is going to have to upgrade its cybersecurity systems. How could we keep this from happening on a national level moving forward?

Yeh, well, ole Nancy just had to have her meeting with her caucus so she could get on TV and accuse the President of a "coverup".

So at the beginning of their meeting this morning, the President told them to get fucked. Take your Democrat shit and stick where the Sun don't shine.

I wonder who had to clean up the slime trail when Chuckie and Nancy P left.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I liked the fact that Trump says "I don't do cover ups!" lol!

that is a bad way to start the day before going to a white house meeting on transportation.

Pussolini had to say cover up to wig Trump up. It was s stupid move on her part. News travels very fast in D.C.
He was watching her presser. She used the coverup word right before she went into the infrastructure meeting. President Trump had every right to go apeshit on her ass.
rexdutchman's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
About fuckin' time.
Finally got a real president to pass infrastructure. We have infrastructure week like 100 weeks from the last dude and he couldn’t pass anything. Shit he couldn’t even get a bill structured. Hell he was so inept that infrastructure was a running gag in his presidency. Now the new guy passes it is 7 months with nearly 1/2 the Republicans in the senate on board.

If I was that let guy I’d feel like shit.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Finally got a real president to pass infrastructure. We have infrastructure week like 100 weeks from the last dude and he couldn’t pass anything. Shit he couldn’t even get a bill structured. Hell he was so inept that infrastructure was a running gag in his presidency. Now the new guy passes it is 7 months with nearly 1/2 the Republicans in the senate on board.

If I was that let guy I’d feel like shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I hope you are better at law than math. 19 is not nearly half of 50 but it is typical of your "exaggerations".

And just an FYI, about 23% ( generous to be sure ) was about actual infrastructure. You might very well have gotten every single Republican in the Senate to pass 2/3 of 1.2 trillion on Biden's first day of his Presidency. They were to a person, interested in actual infrastructure spending and said so, repeatedly. I seem to remember Democrats demanding about, what, double that amount which would have brought actual infrastructure spending down to about 10% but they folded and 19 mis-guided Republicans decided to "compromise" in the hope that their vote would slow down the upcoming 3-5 trillion dollar "human infrastructure" bill.

It won't. The question is, will 50 Democrats agree and if they don't, Nancy says there will be no stand alone infrastructure bill voted on.

The fat lady hasn't sung yet and she just make choke on the words.
Ahead of infrastructure talks, House Democrats release $137B bill


Trade and infrastructure are inextricably linked. Supply chains depend on good transportation methods. From the concrete and asphalt streets. The the virtual world of storing information in the clouds and of course shopping online. To the final delivery method. Electric drone or deisel truck.

The Butterfly Effect lends itself to depending on communication. With Huawei in the crosshairs of intelligence and intellectual property rights; what are your questions, comments, concerns and/or answers to the failing physical and intangible issues facing the future of infrastructure?

The city of Baltimore is currently facing a crisis in its data retention. It refuses to pay the ransom to hackers hiding public and private information. The city is going to have to upgrade its cybersecurity systems. How could we keep this from happening on a national level moving forward?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
It won't happen it's all talk. If they have an Infrastructure Bill it's probably for another country. They don't care about this one.
winn dixie's Avatar
Finally got a real president to pass infrastructure. We have infrastructure week like 100 weeks from the last dude and he couldn’t pass anything. Shit he couldn’t even get a bill structured. Hell he was so inept that infrastructure was a running gag in his presidency. Now the new guy passes it is 7 months with nearly 1/2 the Republicans in the senate on board.

If I was that let guy I’d feel like shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
what he say?
www infrastructure after 4 fire/flood/hurricane/drought/etc
I hope you are better at law than math. 19 is not nearly half of 50 but it is typical of your "exaggerations".

And just an FYI, about 23% ( generous to be sure ) was about actual infrastructure. You might very well have gotten every single Republican in the Senate to pass 2/3 of 1.2 trillion on Biden's first day of his Presidency. They were to a person, interested in actual infrastructure spending and said so, repeatedly. I seem to remember Democrats demanding about, what, double that amount which would have brought actual infrastructure spending down to about 10% but they folded and 19 mis-guided Republicans decided to "compromise" in the hope that their vote would slow down the upcoming 3-5 trillion dollar "human infrastructure" bill.

It won't. The question is, will 50 Democrats agree and if they don't, Nancy says there will be no stand alone infrastructure bill voted on.

The fat lady hasn't sung yet and she just make choke on the words. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

All that is simply gibberish you wrote. 19 of 50 is pretty damned close to half. 38% isn’t far off 50%. But to make you happy how about this. Over a 1/3 of republicans voted for it. Good job Rs.

Now on to the complaining part of your statement, ok, not all 1T is roads and bridges. But that’s the case with every bill that gets passed in Washington, Baton Rouge, Austin or Tallahassee. But it’s an infrastructure bill that’s long needed and as I said, the last president promised infrastructure for like 100 weeks and never got anything done. Not anything.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Finally got a real president to pass infrastructure. We have infrastructure week like 100 weeks from the last dude and he couldn’t pass anything. Shit he couldn’t even get a bill structured. Hell he was so inept that infrastructure was a running gag in his presidency. Now the new guy passes it is 7 months with nearly 1/2 the Republicans in the senate on board.

If I was that let guy I’d feel like shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

The last guy was a dumbass. The new guy knows the art of negotiations.

If you were the last guy, you wouldn't feel anything. He's tone deaf to anyone else's feelings.

It won't happen it's all talk. If they have an Infrastructure Bill it's probably for another country. They don't care about this one. Originally Posted by Levianon17

The representatives that don't care about this country, like Jim Jordan and Louis Gomert, are the ones who helped try and deligitimize the US on January 6th,

what he say? Originally Posted by winn dixie

He said the last guy, who lost, is a dumbass. And the new guy gets shit done.
The last guy was a dumbass. The new guy knows the art of negotiations.

If you were the last guy, you wouldn't feel anything. He's tone deaf to anyone else's feelings.

The representatives that don't care about this country, like Jim Jordan and Louis Gomert, are the ones who helped try and deligitimize the US on January 6th,

He said the last guy, who lost, is a dumbass. And the new guy gets shit done. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Yeah he's getting things done for other countries at America's expense.
bambino's Avatar
Is Mr Skeptical still around now the ECruiser is back? Or is that Munchies second account?