Not another manscaping thread!?

Hercules's Avatar
After two very appreciatve and enthusiastic ladies "thanked" me for my nice squeaky clean and smooth goobers the decision has already been made to continue shaving.

But gawd almighty did they burn and itch the day after shaving! I lotioned and packed ice there and it still burned and itched!

So I ordered a personal shaver and some powder specifically made for shaved goobers.

ANY other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance from the goobers.

(and gals, shave products that work on coochies don't necessarily work well on goobers.)
  • hd
  • 09-15-2011, 10:03 AM
Goobers? you have goobers, I thought we called them grape fruit??
Hercules's Avatar
Not sure about grapefruits but more then one chick has mentioned brass....)
TheWanderer's Avatar
If it itches and burns that bad, you must be doing something wrong or else you are a gorilla.
Try soaking to soften the hair and use more shaving gel. Rinse the razor often and don't shave over and over on the same spots. You may be chafing the skin.
Also if you have brass ones, I would recommend a straight razor.
Now that takes
tsrv4me's Avatar
Try soaking in hot water to soften the area then Try Edge Shaving gel .....seems to work for me .Then shower and rinse thoroughly....Then a nice tasty lotion ........well that parts up to you .....she may even have some she likes
Hercules's Avatar
Actually I used an electric shaver....
You put ice on your goobers? Im so glad I am not a guy.

Next time try clippers. The mustache trimmers ones.
Ghostdncer's Avatar
Not sure about grapefruits but more then one chick has mentioned brass....) Originally Posted by Hercules
Ah goober electric razor burn...awesome.

Speaking from a life long obsession of bodyhair hatred, don't use an electric one. Use a regular razor...two to three blade. You have more control that way, especially over the speed of the razors going over your...tenders....

After that...Bikini Zone....awesome stuff...take away the itch, burn, red, bumps...etc etc.

Eventually your nether-regions will get used to the razor and you have to worry about it all that often.

Hercules's Avatar
You put ice on your goobers? Im so glad I am not a guy.

Next time try clippers. The mustache trimmers ones. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
There are a lot of guys who are grateful you're not a guy too!

I've always kept the frank and beans neatly trimmed with clippers. But due to the hawtness of the lady coming to see me I decided to go all the way.

Honestly..after the initial :O of putting ice there it felt pretty good (course that could've been the wine kicking in too).
Sweet N Little's Avatar

Always use a NEW razor and try unscented soap/shaving gel , lather those puppies up super good (and while your doing that you might as well jack off as its sure to feel good )and never use scented lotion on fresh shaved anything Ive found, try neutrogena or none at all
Better yet, have your provider do it for you

Man up---u can take it lol , its worth it
Guest091314's Avatar
I have sensitive skin so the little trick I picked up is put a warm washcloth on it and let it soak. It could be the way you are shaving, I always went against the hair but that is just what works for me, try the other way.

Never use scented stuff....its just dumb they even make it.

Another smart thing is the "24 hr test" Try a patch first then wait till morning and if your in the clear then go to town.

Just letting you know what helped my screw ups lol
Some heartfelt advice from someone who has tried many things

1. If you haven't recently manscaped, use a trimmer to get it down to less than 1/4". Be careful of the sac as the skin will easily get caught in trimmer blades. It will bleed like the dickens but it's not usually too bad if the trimmer slips. This is VITAL. And if you do nick yourself, wait at least 12 hours, preferably 24 hours to shave.
2. Soak in a tub first, a hot towel is a good idea.
3. Cootchie Cream. It's awesome.
4. Shave in the shower, not the tub
5. 2-3 blade razor, get a pack of disposables. If it starts to feel dull or scrapes, get a fresh one. The first time you do it (or after hair has grown back completely) it may take 2-3 razors
6. Lukewarm to warm water. Too hot of water will irritate things.
7. Clean the blades regularly during this process. Run it under the water backwards so the flow forces the hairs out the way they came in. The other way forces them deeper and will change the spacing between the blades enough that you are more likely to nick.
8. First pass, go with the grain your hair grows.
9. Second pass (always twice!) go against the grain
10. When the hair starts to grow back, Bikini zone is a great idea!

Or just get laser hair removal. Just balls should be around $200, male brazilians vary between $300-$800 depending on where. Investigate the removal place thoroughly, make sure they are using the most current lasers, I recommend you have an actual RN do the procedure instead of someone who is "licensed in hair removal." The licensing requirements in Texas are a joke. And in that area, spending the extra cash is totally worth it. I've had two treatments so far and about 75% of the hair is gone and now when I shave, no bumps.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I heart you Badbottom!! Not only a computer expert but grooming expert as well ...Excellent advise
Hercules's Avatar
A Brazillian?! Ah HELL NAH! I got my back waxed once and ain't no way I'd do that to mah goobies!

Hmmm I would've thought a wet/dry electric shaver would do best but I'll give a razor a shot too.....
  • hd
  • 09-15-2011, 01:53 PM
Brass!!! couldn't you be taking a chance on breaking her nose when know?????