Self Defense or Murder

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  • 12-07-2021, 10:09 AM

How does Texas law apply?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-07-2021, 10:29 AM
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-07-2021, 10:35 AM
Thank you sweet lady!
This is a Murder case.
Is it? Clearly the bigger angry guy reached for his gun. I’m sure he believed that if the guy took his weapon he would kill him with it. He evidently reasonably feared for his life in that moment and that’s why he shot. Looks about as much like self defense as the last couple of times it’s been pled in some high profile cases.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Both of those guys are fucking retarded. Screaming right up in each other’s faces with the rifle pointed at who knows what. They’re lucky the lady didn’t get shot, or the kid they they were fighting over.
LexusLover's Avatar
Saw a blurb of this on a news channel, and I thought the little guy was married to the mother ... or were they just living together with her child and the big guy was the estranged husband and father of the child?

Seemed like the big guy was one of these types who bully smaller guys.

35 cent termination proceeding as far as the child is concerned ,.... or did he shoot 2x?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This is Texas. He'll probably be found not guilty if they charge him. I don't know the whole story, but I have a feeling the bigger guy has threatened the smaller guy a million times. And wouldn't be surprised if the bigger guy beat his ass a few times before because the smaller one stuck his nose where it doesn't belong because he is not the child's father. Without knowing the history between the two men, I can't say whether it was self-defense or if homeboy was just sick of the biological father's alpha male bullshit and saw an opportunity and he took it.

Anyway, those two dipshit biological parents obviously don't believe in my #1 rule in coparenting which is to leave everybody out of our business, and we handle everything amicably just between the two of us. They obviously didn't believe in my #1 rule because there is a dumb motherfucker coming outside with a rifle and a stupid bitch sitting in the car filming it... neither one of those idiots should have even been involved IMO. It should have been left between the biological parents unless that guy has a history of domestic violence. And if that's the case, you make the drop-off exchanges at the police station if she has a genuine concern for her safety.
... Hmmmm...

"This is Texas. He'll probably be found not guilty if they charge him."

... You should have stopped right there. And saved the sermon
for Bible class.

#### Salty
Is it? Clearly the bigger angry guy reached for his gun. I’m sure he believed that if the guy took his weapon he would kill him with it. He evidently reasonably feared for his life in that moment and that’s why he shot. Looks about as much like self defense as the last couple of times it’s been pled in some high profile cases. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Very weak Self Defense Case. At the beginning of the video you'll see the husband who was unarmed walking into the house only moments later coming back outside brandishing a firearm. As the ex-Husband reaches for the firearm the husband is able to move far enough away where the ex-husband is no longer an immediate threat. Although it is hard to determine from the video view what the ex-husband was doing to place the husband in fear of his life to warrant the use of deadly force.
... Kinda agree-with Noir here. ... Would like to see video
of the whole shooting and before.

### Salty
Lol. Ok
... Well, then we'd KNOW... The legal issue.

According to the laws there, you have a right to
possess a weapon. If another fellow tries to take
the gun from you and threatens to kill you with it...

Surely seems like "self defence" to me.

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
there are several videos of this.

the boyfriend reacted in a harsh manner by going in and getting his rifle. but he was within his rights to do so. and once the ex-husband got uppity and got in the boyfriend's face he made himself the aggressor. and when he grabbed at the rifle he became a threat.

some people in comments on uboobie claim the boyfriend firing a warning shot at the ground somehow revoked his right to self defense. no, on the contrary it enhanced it.

he gave the ex-husband a chance back off and he didn't. he became the aggressor. one of the contentions those idiot prosecutors in the rittenhouse trial made, that fat fucktard idiot with a burr haircut, was that rittenhouse didn't have the right to shoot even while being assaulted, he blabbered some stupid shit about "ya gotta take a beating every once in a while ..". what an idiot. that's when the law clearly says you can use deadly force.

while this shouldn't have escalated to the point it did, it's self defense.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
... Hmmmm...

"This is Texas. He'll probably be found not guilty if they charge him."

... You should have stopped right there. And saved the sermon
for Bible class.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Dude, how about you keep jacking off to Trump and don't worry about what you believe is worthy of my "sermons" in some church I'll neither attend nor ever speak at. Deal, you fake ass big mouth Aussie? Or do you just play an Aussie on whore boards for acting credits?