A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994

We should have listened to him...

I refuse to watch your stupid videos. Summarize it in 30 words or less and I will tell you why you are an idiot. Promise.
I refuse to watch your stupid videos. Summarize it in 30 words or less and I will tell you why you are an idiot. Promise. Originally Posted by timpage

Whiffy AKA video dumb is the only one who watches them.
David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog 1h
Cummings sics Lerner on conservative org.
Lerner gets caught.
Cummings grandstands while Lerner takes 5th.
"Oversight" my ass.
you actually expect people with the attention spans of fruit flies
to watch almost an hour of some brit with an accent that almost defies translation talk about economics you are truly living in a dream world....
you actually expect people with the attention spans of fruit flies
to watch almost an hour of some brit with an accent that almost defies translation talk about economics you are truly living in a dream world.... Originally Posted by stevepar

David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog 2h
After 'Obama for America' changed name to OFA, Lerner fast-tracked for 501c4 and said she wanted a job there http://ace.mu.nu/archives/348448.php
Here is the "cliff notes" version for dummies like TrannyTim.............

Goldsmith was spot on.....our history over the past several decades has proven it.
Mr. Goldsmith was a private equity billionaire who made his fortune buying companies and assets from developed and developing countries around the world. Yet despite this success, his book openly questions the notion of unfettered global markets.

He describes how the shift from locally produced goods to goods produced anywhere in the world could destroy the prosperous economies of the developed world that were built up over centuries. This will happen, according to him, because global free trade will create unbridgeable divide between the rich over the ordinary people.

The rich will stay rich by investing their capital into Multinational Companies. In order to compete and make profits, these companies will exploiting ever cheaper sources of labour in developing countries.

In the other hand, the ordinary people in developed countries will lose their jobs because the cost of their salaries are too expensive in a global economy that include 4 billion people wiling to work for "almost nothing".

Mr. Goldsmith not only lays out arguments against global free trade. He also gives his rationale for why industrial agriculture and nuclear power are bad ideas. While many see these three issues as defining visions of modern progress, Mr. Goldsmith, suggests that there is a dangerous "inversion of values" behind these three issues. Instead of measuring progress in term of mankind's well-being and social stability, our modern industrial society has made economic growth and the development of new technologies the key goals for society. This "inversion of values" is the root cause for modern problems such as urban slums and enviromental deterioration.

"Rising long-term unemployment, increasing violence, growing proverty in urban slums, environmental deterioration and a general realization that something fundamental has gone wrong..."
And in the Rose interview; Tyson, Clinton's advisor on economics at the time (Chair of the US President's Council of Economic Advisers), argues from the wrong side of history...dumb Democrat !
Oh, another the-end-of-the-world-is-upon-us piece? Let me guess: 1) it's a prediction about something that hasn't happened yet but it is going to be really really bad....and we should all be scared. 2)Whatever is going to cause the end of the world is the Democrats' fault. 3)The end of the world can be avoided if we lower taxes, repeal the ACA and outlaw abortion.

Go fuck yourself.
Here is the "cliff notes" version for dummies like TrannyTim.............

Goldsmith was spot on.....our history over the past several decades has proven it.
Mr. Goldsmith was a private equity billionaire who made his fortune buying companies and assets from developed and developing countries around the world. Yet despite this success, his book openly questions the notion of unfettered global markets.

He describes how the shift from locally produced goods to goods produced anywhere in the world could destroy the prosperous economies of the developed world that were built up over centuries. This will happen, according to him, because global free trade will create unbridgeable divide between the rich over the ordinary people.

The rich will stay rich by investing their capital into Multinational Companies. In order to compete and make profits, these companies will exploiting ever cheaper sources of labour in developing countries.

In the other hand, the ordinary people in developed countries will lose their jobs because the cost of their salaries are too expensive in a global economy that include 4 billion people wiling to work for "almost nothing".

Mr. Goldsmith not only lays out arguments against global free trade. He also gives his rationale for why industrial agriculture and nuclear power are bad ideas. While many see these three issues as defining visions of modern progress, Mr. Goldsmith, suggests that there is a dangerous "inversion of values" behind these three issues. Instead of measuring progress in term of mankind's well-being and social stability, our modern industrial society has made economic growth and the development of new technologies the key goals for society. This "inversion of values" is the root cause for modern problems such as urban slums and enviromental deterioration.

"Rising long-term unemployment, increasing violence, growing proverty in urban slums, environmental deterioration and a general realization that something fundamental has gone wrong..."
And in the Rose interview; Tyson, Clinton's advisor on economics at the time (Chair of the US President's Council of Economic Advisers), argues from the wrong side of history...dumb Democrat ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Did you see were he warned us about derivatives in part 6?
Dumb fuck...I didn't say it was all "Democrats" fault.............

But heck, you don't think there is a problematic widening gap between rich and poor; and you don't think the American middle class is under attack from declining household incomes ! You think Obama is doing a great job !

Fucking moronic simpleton !

Oh, another the-end-of-the-world-is-upon-us piece? Let me guess: 1) it's a prediction about something that hasn't happened yet but it is going to be really really bad....and we should all be scared. 2)Whatever is going to cause the end of the world is the Democrats' fault. 3)The end of the world can be avoided if we lower taxes, repeal the ACA and outlaw abortion.

Go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by timpage

Did you see were he warned us about derivatives in part 6? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB