bigtex...put your hand down

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Name these people..left to right. No googling
bigtex...put your hand down Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
The Mercury Astronauts, next question!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Mercury Astronauts, next question! Originally Posted by bigtex
Since you can't read or follow instructions let me repeat,,,,Name these people..left to right. No googling

Bonus points if you can tell me their missions.

That's the Muslim Rock Group " Guys From Al-Qaeda" Heres a sample of their first hit.


Name these people..left to right. No googling Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

They are all named Hussein, and gang banged your ass.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Left to right:

Gorden Cooper
Faith 7, 22 orbits, last American to go into space by himself, Gemini 5..8 Days in space.

Scott Carpenter
Aurora 7, 3 orbits

John Glenn
Friendship 7, first American to orbit the earth, 3 orbits. Rode on the space shuttle.

Alan Shepard
Freedom 7, first American into outer space. 15 min flight. Apollo 14, 5th American to walk on the Moon. The only one of the original 7 to do so.

Gus Grissom
Liberty Bell 7, duplicated Shepard mission. Gemini 3. Died in the Apollo 1 fire.

Wally Schirra,
Sigma 7, 6 orbits. Gemini 6, first rendezvous with another space craft. Apollo 7. Only astronaut to fly in Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.

Deke Slayton

The Right Stuff.
lustylad's Avatar
Cool... Are those i-phones hanging from Gus Grissom's and Deke Slayton's belts? Steve Jobs was still a toddler...
The Mercury Astronauts, next question! Originally Posted by bigtex
Can't be. I don't see Dennis Quaid.

Big brass balls.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Big brass balls. Originally Posted by timpage

Whatever turns you on Man.

Not that there's anything wrong with it.