This means WAR!!!

Rush Limbaugh said yesterday that CBS' decision to replace Letterman with Stephen Colbert was a declaration of war on the American middle class.

Gird yourselves for battle you defenders of all things conservative! The big fat drug addicted shitbag has spoken.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I think Stephen Colbert is funny.

I hear his first guest will be Hank Aaron.

I wish him luck.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The big fat drug addicted shitbag has spoken. Originally Posted by timpage
And we heard you loud and clear, Timmy Boy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Rush Limbaugh said yesterday that CBS' decision to replace Letterman with Stephen Colbert was a declaration of war on the American middle class.

Gird yourselves for battle you defenders of all things conservative! The big fat drug addicted shitbag has spoken. Originally Posted by timpage

Have you enlisted for the "War on Women" yet? How about the "War on Pay Inequality"? Maybe you'll volunteer for the "War on Drugs".
Colbert is a minor talent. Perfect replacement for Letterman.
Wonder if it pissed Kimmel off?