1988 - USA “accidentally” shoots down Iranian airliner killing all 290 on board.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Iran Airflight 655 accidentally shot down by US military killing all 290 on board

Shit happens on both sides.

And ended up paying over $60 million in damages to the families.

I look for Iran to do likewise.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
And ended up paying over $60 million in damages to the families.

I look for Iran to do likewise. Originally Posted by Jackie S
$130+ million when you adjust for inflation
bambino's Avatar
And ended up paying over $60 million in damages to the families.

I look for Iran to do likewise. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Obama gave them 150 billion. It’ll come out of that kitty.
Hotrod511's Avatar
just another useless 5 star thread started by sissy chump
thank you no value poster
HoeHummer's Avatar
Naturally yous have no comment on the subject of the post, just the subjects making it.

And yous get offended when they call you idiots from thee Great White South Deplorables.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Obama gave them 150 billion. It’ll come out of that kitty. Originally Posted by bambino
That’s not what Happened, eh? But someone will have to pays.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't have the enthusiasm to click links that show you're too lazy or dumb to make your own statement but I recall the USS Vincennes shoot down. What the OP doesn't want us to remember is that civilian airlines were warned about flying in the Gulf. Or that the airliner in question was NOT flashing a civilian identity signal. Not that this mattered because a military aircraft could flash such a signal to penetrate a defensive perimeter. The main thing was the flight profile, it was not the rapid climb out that an airliner would perform. It was a somewhat low altitude more like a fighter approach than an airliner. The captain made a difficult decision to shoot which is far different than a trigger happy idiot at a SAM battery. Only a fool would think that there is a comparison. Afterwards, the Iranians acted the same. They forbid any rescue or recovery from any other country in the area. However, American helicopters arrived on the scene, the victims appeared to be naked and more pale than someone who has just died. Popular theory was that a morgue had been raided and a pilot sacrificed to create an incident.

It says volumes about the OP that he would go to this as an example when it has no relation to current events. All he wants to do is criticize my country. I say my country since I don't know what country the OP comes from.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous never do.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2020, 03:45 PM
Did Barelycorn just defent the person who shot down a civilian airliner and then try and spout some shit about the bodies we raided from a morgue?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2020, 03:46 PM
Obama gave them 150 billion. It’ll come out of that kitty. Originally Posted by bambino
Sin you need to quit repeating that lie and research the origin of that transaction.

Quick question Iranians or Saudi's who attacked us on 9/11?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Did Barelycorn just defent the person who shot down a civilian airliner and then try and spout some shit about the bodies we raided from a morgue?

Originally Posted by WTF

I'm glad he did it. People need to see Trump supporter lunacy and psychosis on full display. Mental illness is real.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It was totally irresponsible for Iran to let any commercial airline fly during operations.

Back then and now
Not as irresponsible as Obama giving them money to build a nuke.
  • oeb11
  • 01-11-2020, 04:55 PM
All the wailing from the Iranian Ayatollahs is just BS - they figure they sent the Iranians to paradise, and all the others to hades - so a good outcome from their standpoint.

They care less about what anyone else thinks - and if they get heir nuke missiles they will use they on Israel and the US - and consequences be damned - They know they are riding into paradise ona white horse to meet Allah.

Anything for the world-wide caliphate.