Review Flaky AmberOktobur

bulon69's Avatar
Date: End of May
Provider: AmberOktobur
User ID: AmberOktobur
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Addison
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: She was flaky, I had to wait for more than 1 hour. I finally canceled the appointment.
Session Length: -
Fee: 120 for 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: 39
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: I did not see her. She wasted more than 2 hours of my time.
Recommendation: No
bulon69's Avatar
I have seen her few times on different hours of the day including early afternoon, late afternoon and evening. She had been constantly late every single time, she was always late at least 30 minutes or more. This time I decided that I will not put up with the bullshit. She has a pitbull and a dude had to come to walk him every time before she can work. He consstantly texted her asking when she will be done.
thanks for the intel..

gman44's Avatar
this forum is the place for your thread
Stevensegal's Avatar
What a shame. Thanks for saving me $
I've visited her once. She made me wait too. Then she made me walk around for no reason. In the beginning, I was waiting in the right place but she started confusing me by saying that there was no swimming pool at the place she was staying. Since I was waiting by the pool, I thought "oh shit, I'm waiting in the wrong place". So I crossed the road and went and checked the hotels there, she wasn't there either. Then finally I cross the road again and return to where I was waiting initially and there she was, apparently she didn't know there was a swimming pool there.

OK fine I understand, now can we just get started? I had booked a hour session with her. She spent more than 30 minutes just talking about the drama in her life, how some gal stole from her, how she was so mad etc etc etc. I just waited and waited, not wanting to be rude and thinking this might be off the clock time. Finally after 40 minutes of jibber jabber, I asked if we can start? She said the time started when I entered the room. She gave off this lazy bored indifferent vibe. That vibe was such a turnoff for me that I just said I'm leaving and walked out the door. Yes, all I did with her was talk. I did nothing else at all. I felt like a sucker. However, I just couldn't find someone with such a personality attractive.

I was meeting her for the first time and she had no desire to make a good impression or make sure I had a good time. Her goal was just to waste all the time I paid for by talking on useless issues. She was deliberately trying to waste time by talking, she wasn't trying to get to know me or build a stronger emotional connection. I won't be meeting her again. Maybe she is a YMMV provider because looks like other guys have had a great time with her. Maybe I'm too old for her, IDK.
I've visited her once. She made me wait too. Then she made me walk around for no reason. In the beginning, I was waiting in the right place but she started confusing me by saying that there was no swimming pool at the place she was staying. Since I was waiting by the pool, I thought "oh shit, I'm waiting in the wrong place". So I crossed the road and went and checked the hotels there, she wasn't there either. Then finally I cross the road again and return to where I was waiting initially and there she was, apparently she didn't know there was a swimming pool there.

OK fine I understand, now can we just get started? I had booked a hour session with her. She spent more than 30 minutes just talking about the drama in her life, how some gal stole from her, how she was so mad etc etc etc. I just waited and waited, not wanting to be rude and thinking this might be off the clock time. Finally after 40 minutes of jibber jabber, I asked if we can start? She said the time started when I entered the room. She gave off this lazy bored indifferent vibe. That vibe was such a turnoff for me that I just said I'm leaving and walked out the door. Yes, all I did with her was talk. I did nothing else at all. I felt like a sucker. However, I just couldn't find someone with such a personality attractive.

I was meeting her for the first time and she had no desire to make a good impression or make sure I had a good time. Her goal was just to waste all the time I paid for by talking on useless issues. She was deliberately trying to waste time by talking, she wasn't trying to get to know me or build a stronger emotional connection. I won't be meeting her again. Maybe she is a YMMV provider because looks like other guys have had a great time with her. Maybe I'm too old for her, IDK. Originally Posted by WhiteHippy
I wouldn't even pay and walk out. If she wants to create a scene, I'm ready.
tortpicker's Avatar
Date: End of May
Provider: AmberOktobur
User ID: AmberOktobur
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Addison
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: She was flaky, I had to wait for more than 1 hour. I finally canceled the appointment.
Session Length: -
Fee: 120 for 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: 39
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: I did not see her. She wasted more than 2 hours of my time.
Recommendation: No Originally Posted by bulon69
She nc/ns on me several months back. I think she is notorious for this kind of thing.
CG2014's Avatar
Why she has all those YES reviews?

A girl that schedules a meet on her daughter's birthday?

Really? That hard up for money?

Should be taking that whole day off, turn the phone off and put her daughter first.
oldmarine's Avatar
The OP has a lot more patience than I. My rule is that I bail after fifteen minutes. Seriously, I have done it more than once. I refuse to sit around waiting for someone who has no consideration for my time. If they want my money they must be prompt.
CG2014's Avatar
If they are providers, then IMO they should be ready to meet a customer at any time.

I had one after I contacted her and she agreed to see me, she still needed time to bathe and get ready.

Another one when I got to her incall, she said she needed to shave her legs?

They should be primmed and made up and clean and fresh and ready to go when the customer shows up.

If they can't be ready at their agreed time, don't agree for that time.
Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
I think it terrible to make people wait. On the bounds of providers should always be ready to meet. I disagree! I prefer not to meet past 11 at latest due to individuals are usually drink or high. And how people's bodies are different they could be mean or whatever. It's a shame everyone's having a bad experience.