longone You Are A Real Piece Of Work

Mr.Crowley's Avatar
longone what is your malfunction? People wrote reviews and your retarded repetitive posting is pushing brand new reviews off the page, so you can comment "nice". Welcome to Eccie, now learn what this site is for. It is for the members to get NEW information!!!!! And when you come along and post the most inane comments in bulk spam fashion and push new material away YOU are fucking over the entire membership! Why ? do you think you are building a good post history? Well the members of this site know how to read your post, and it's building you a reputation all right. Guarantee any ladies reading your post history will know not to see or respond to you. Because you are only faking it here. Get with the program!
Is it just me or does justf Seem to have a similiar posting style? Just my observation.
Mr.Crowley's Avatar
Misfired thought process!
Whispers's Avatar
You need to take a closer look. He was comparing justf to longone.

I do not think it is about building post history.

It's one person burning through handles, with an agenda that seems to involve manipulating what it is people get exposed to on the first couple of pages in the review section. That or burying someone's reviews so they do not have exposure. A couple of handles have already been banned.
I wasn't indicating your style mr. Crowley I was saying that justf and longone seem to have a similiar posting style. Sorry I confused you.
Mr.Crowley's Avatar
On second read, you could be right, in which case she would be thinking exactly what I was thinking. Sorry izzy for my misinterpretation of your post.
Thanks whispers
no worries mr. Crowely it happens stay warm
3daygetaway's Avatar
longone what is your malfunction? People wrote reviews and your retarded repetitive posting is pushing brand new reviews off the page, so you can comment "nice". Originally Posted by Mr.Crowley
I'm not sure if you have previously counseled LongOne, but this public rebuke seems a little harsh. He may just need the process explained or the "Like" button pointed out.

As for pushing/bumping reviews, if you hover over the post, it will show you the date it was written (you can skip the older ones you've already read).
fun2come's Avatar
You MAY need to write a review for them to see this....
Mr.Crowley's Avatar
I'm not sure if you have previously counseled LongOne, but this public rebuke seems a little harsh. He may just need the process explained or the "Like" button pointed out.

As for pushing/bumping reviews, if you hover over the post, it will show you the date it was written (you can skip the older ones you've already read). Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
That is not the point. The point is what Whispers eluded to, this is likely the same as the other banned handles from yesterday. I personally spent 20 min posting a review, and I don't appreciate my time and effort being wasted by a pimp or a person with a personal agenda or vendetta. There is one other handle I suspect is the same person.
3daygetaway's Avatar
That is not the point. The point is what Whispers eluded to, this is likely the same as the other banned handles from yesterday. I personally spent 20 min posting a review, and I don't appreciate my time and effort being wasted like this. There is one other handle I suspect is the same person. Originally Posted by Mr.Crowley
The handle-spamming? Yes; that is deplorable.
harkontume's Avatar
I looked at his posts. LOL he is a bumping maniac.
Question: every post I saw had something nice to say most multiple handle offenders have an agenda. What is the agenda here? He just seems clueless to me.
Mr.Crowley's Avatar
2 that were missed yesterday.
harkontume's Avatar
I looked at his posts. LOL he is a bumping maniac.
Question: every post I saw had something nice to say most multiple handle offenders have an agenda. What is the agenda here? He just seems clueless to me. Originally Posted by harkontume

For clarity...I am just wondering what the Bumper's agenda is not the OP