Putin Is Going “Full Stalin”


Putin is morphing into the kind of Thug that the World hasn’t seen since Joe Stalin’s iron handed and murderous reign.

Just what does “cleanse” mean? In Stalin’s Russia it meant the knock on the door followed by a bullet in the back of the head. That’s if you were lucky. Many were dragged off to dungeons and tortured until they “confessed”. Followed by the bullet.

It is difficult to fathom that in the year 2022, we still have murderous Thugs controlling large populations. But one look at Putin and China’s President for Life Xi shows that as lightened as we think we are, the World is still a very dangerous place.
  • Tiny
  • 03-17-2022, 04:50 AM
Come on Jackie, he's just going into Ukraine to shut down the bioweapons labs.

Seriously, that's scary stuff, the part about cleansing society.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Use the button on your TV remote to change from the WWIII channel. Maybe try the Climate Change channel (Weather Channel) or how about the murder of US citizens channel, aka your local evening news. What about the Babbling Cabbages channel (Cspan)?

Better yet, try the Off button. Go out for a walk, with your concealed carry of course. One never knows when a deranged Ruskie, or border jumper or rabid dog, aka Progressive Liberal might pop out.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Putin is morphing into the kind of Thug that the World hasn’t seen since Joe Stalin’s iron handed and murderous reign.

Just what does “cleanse” mean? In Stalin’s Russia it meant the knock on the door followed by a bullet in the back of the head. That’s if you were lucky. Many were dragged off to dungeons and tortured until they “confessed”. Followed by the bullet.

It is difficult to fathom that in the year 2022, we still have murderous Thugs controlling large populations. But one look at Putin and China’s President for Life Xi shows that as lightened as we think we are, the World is still a very dangerous place. Originally Posted by Jackie S
those 2 have very different reasons for doing what they're doing, both share one thing; lust for power.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
These gals?!?

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