going to place this here because I know many of you never read The Sandbox

FootLong's Avatar
?? Sorry, but that is not a valid reason for posting something anywhere you like. JMHO
the thought process here is that many of the ladies (and maybe some of the guys) do not go to the sandbox for anything and I know many of them have Hotmail which could cause problems because many have Outlook too...

wannabe Mods proliferate many forums but never pull the string to be official no matter how many times it is suggested to them.....
.....if the staff wishes to move this item it is most certainly his right (and obligation) to do so

and for the record ===> a PM would have worked just fine without you showing your skinny little fingers didn't get caught between the keys tonight.....

you honestly never cease to amaze me and then try to use the "JMHO" addition (as did one of your friends from the past) to exonerate yourself...

sleep well
FootLong's Avatar
Well I guess a real mod will decide where it should go. I was just surprised a former mod would ignore the rules so blatantly. I will sleep quite well, thank you, no 'exoneration' required. LOL
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-21-2013, 12:05 AM
A Sandbox topic.

Moved to the proper forum.

God, if we had to issue warnings and/or infractions every time someone started a thread in the wrong forum we would never get anything done.

No rule was broken.

If you disagree, feel free to point out to me the rule that was broken in another thread.

The rules of the Forum Guidelines are linked below...

Forum Guidelines
ck1942's Avatar
Media's issue:

The reporter's facts, but not supported outright: read the first sentence. Then her opinion, read the second sentence

"Hotmail is still the largest provider of online email, with more than 300 million users. But in the coolness department, it's maybe a step up from AOL."

In my opinion, both sentences should have cited at least one if not two authorities.

Also in my viewpoint, while hotmail may have the largest number of accounts, without some supporting data, that doesn't mean that hotmail traffic is greater than any other email service as the report implies.

And to clarify just a bit on the conversion from HM to Outlook, I think that any user's hotmail address will remain intact, but what the user will see when logging in is the new Outlook website....and I am positive that Microsoft will do it's darnedest to get use HM users to start using @outlook.com

My primary concern no matter what:

Can Microsoft make Outlook.com any more user friendly and user secure and reduce the hacking of HM/Outlook address books. Not that Gmail is significantly more secure than Yahoo, Excite, AOL, etc.
phillyintexas's Avatar
It my understanding that MS is going to initially push hard to have people "roll over" their hotmail accounts to @outlook.com. At some point down the road (could be several years) they plan of doing away with the @hotmail.com option. However, a roll over will only work for accounts that don't have the outlook.com address reserved. Just in case I've already setup accounts on @outlook.com to mirror others I have in hotmail/yahoo/gmail--that way I also have the option to use @outlook.com with the same account names if they offer enough features.
phillyintexas's Avatar

BTW: Thanks for putiing this info out there. If people take the action now before the "mass migration" they'll be able to reserve the email addresses they want.
Precious_b's Avatar
I intentionally kept away from Outlook back in the day because of all the hacking and spoofing from Outlook address books. Kept my life simple.

And I miss the old Hotmail. Just barebones and basic.

Don't want to budge from it.