Everyone has been asking me about my website, well, if you want one like it...

Hey girls, providers, photographers, who ever might need a solid website at a workable price that you can update yourself with out having to pay out the ass to some web designer.

I have a monthly members only subscription website, as well as a full booking system, complete with Credit card gateway to collect deposits, as well as payments for services. Super easy to use mobile app for managing your posts, videos, images, and more. With your own website, it's MUCH easier to control your content, cause at any time, you can delete what you don't want yourself, instead of having to wait for some other company to delete it. HUGE advantage.

I also offer a small business hosting plan that gives you a FREE 1-800 toll free number that your clients can call, and then just plug in what ever number you want, with out your destination number being exposed. Super great way to keep your phone number private if you don't want to use a burn phone, or are turned of buying so many burn phones.

I can also do video editing, adding transitions, creating full featured DVD's/Blu-Ray's.

I JUST pretty much started trying to put together a little business out of this, so I only have a few sites on my portfolio, but it should be enough to show you that the system works.

FYI girls, trust, I get 80% of Eccie guys to subscribe on my site before I meet most of them. They love it. Also have a live chat system on my site that I use, which is totally free as well of course.

https://www.brittanymae.info that's my website, if you wanna talk to me live there, just wait for the red box to pop-up and ring, that's REALLY me on the other end. I'll be on for a few hours yet.

To check out prices, just visit


Brittany Mae
Guest072015-2's Avatar
I went to your website to get more info but none of the pages work? Can you send me more info? Thanks
ben dover's Avatar
Yeah ya may want to get your sites working before you go bragging on how good they are, ... BD