Did I make the right call? Somewhat sketchy BP encounter

SimplyDown's Avatar
So I'm sitting around by my lonely self tonight and I decide to call this BP girl:

Here's the timeline of events:

10:00pm - Make the call, get informed 100hh/180h and get address to her incall. Absolutely no screening at all. Didn't ask for any info about me, not even my name. I'm 15 min away, tell her I'll be there in 30 min.

10:15pm - Roll in parking lot and case all the parked cars. See some dude sitting out front in a red F-150 with tinted windows, no one else in parking lot.

10:30pm - Call girl to tell her I'm here, line is busy. Sent text instead

10:40pm - Sent text telling her I'm leaving. A minute later she texts me room number and says sorry phone died and to come on up. Ok, whatever. All doors are locked and need to go in front entrance. Guy in red F-150 still just sitting there chilling 25 min later. Night clerk asks what room I'm in since I don't have key. I give him room number and tell him my gf is up there. He informs me room is registered under some dude named Morris. Pimp?

10:50pm - After back and forth texting, I am greeted downstairs at one of the side doors by the girl in this ad:

She leads me up to the room, and then takes a seat in the hallway outside and says she's gonna hang out there.
I walk in the room and am greeted by the girl in the original ad. She closes the door and immediately demands to see the money and says she can't do anything else till she's paid first. Didn't try to screen me or anything. I probably should have tried to steer the conversation a bit here but I didn't. Instead she grabbed the money and started walking towards the door as if to pass it off to her friend. I stopped the girl, grabbed my money back, and asked if she would strip down before handing off the money. She declined to take off her clothes, so I took the money and hightailed it out of there.

I know you guys are gonna tell me to just stay the hell away from BP and you're right. But I'm curious what you guys think of the situation and what would you have done in this same scenario? Altogether the complete lack or care for screening, obvious signs of a pimp nearby, the friend hanging out in the hallway, money attempting to be passed out of the room, and unwillingness of the girl to reveal any skin had me convinced I was about to get robbed or cheated or maybe even busted. Sorry for the long winded post. Hopefully someone here can sprinkle a few nuggets o' wisdom on me so I can be better prepared for situations like this in the future!
Multiple girls working for the same pimp is first thing that comes to my mind. Definitely not LE.

Don't expect any screening from BP. That's one of the things that the clients that shop off BP expect: a quick, anonymous encounter (can't use the word appt because you don't really book an appt, it's first come, first served). It's just a different animal all together. Not necessarily a bad thing in itself, just too many variables and too many shady characters taking advantage of these variables...

In the future, if a BP date starts to go much different from any other date, call it off. And of course, don't ever discuss services/money, and I would suggest holding on to your money until, at least, you KNOW you won't be getting in a patrol car.

Glad you are safe!

SimplyDown's Avatar
I've only used providers off P411 and Eccie before so I guess I'm just accustomed to going through a lot of pre-screening. Really threw me for a loop.

I appreciate all the insight Camille!
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
If your gut tells you to bolt, you bolt.

Getting your cash before bolting is the cherry on top!!
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
If you had a bad feeling about it then you did the right thing.
Bob McV's Avatar
I would have bailed when I didn't have access to the room. Last thing I want to do is tell the night clerk, "I'm here for the hoe in Room 211"

If she or her manager don't know how to run their business any better than that...
SpursFan's Avatar
Good choice,

You said she didn't ask for any screening, BP girls never ask for screening, they make their determination on if you know how to talk to them or not (knowing how to set the date).
The rest was not normal.
TxnPrd's Avatar
Always trust your instincts. Better safe than sorry.
Glad you are OK, IMHO… GO WITH YOUR GUT….. it is better to haul “your fat ass down the road & play the next day” There are a few finds on BP. But there are more pimped girls than we realize. Good thinking about getting there to case the parking lot. As some have said, dude in truck – red flag, having to go inside to go face to face with night clerk & probably on some sort of camera # 2 Red Flag.. I am NOT busting your chops.. BUT WE ALL need to NOT feed these Pimps. GO WITH YOUR GUT. Thanks for having the BALLS to post this.. WE ALL NEED TO SEE IT
tpepsi's Avatar
Thanks for the info. She had been on my to do list. You made the right decision.
SimplyDown's Avatar
Reading everyone's posts has been very informative to me. Everything about this encounter from the get go was so different from what I'm used to that it really was hard for me to judge how fucked up or not the situation was. In retrospect, if I had all this insight yesterday and wasn't letting my little head influence my thinking so much, I would have bailed out on the situation a whole lot earlier.

Anyways, appreciate the advice everyone!
Chincho's Avatar
Just sounds like a rookie hoe!

I don't fault you for running but if she is a rookie give a hoe in training a break! She didn't pull a knife on you or some crap like that nor did she try to steal your money or sick her pimp on you in the parking lot and her pimp wasn't waiting at door either. Her business skills indicate she is fresh meat (perhaps a virgin hooker!). She just might become the leading gfe provider on eccie by the end of 2015!

I bet every hoe including the self proclaimed "educated hoes" on here did some stupid shit when they started out they would rather not admit too.

You should have talked to the pimp in the parking lot and discussed with him why you were unhappy with his services, so he can cover it during his employee training sessions.
tpepsi's Avatar
Yea, never tell the front desk what room you are going to. If the doors are locked and a key is needed, then she needs to come down and meet you at the back door to let you in.

She was advertising on BP a couple of weeks ago, then disappeared and then came back a couple of days ago.

She sounded okay when I talked to her on the phone, but until we get a positive confirmation you never know.
SimpsonGuy's Avatar
Thats too many red flags, at the first red flag and out no matter what, call me crazy but seeing only one car parked with a dude inside chilling is the only red flag i need to get out.

Ps: she looks amazing