Worst movie a escort could EVER bring home to her man

So last night I thought it would be nice to rent a movie and have a relaxing evening at home with the guy I have been dating. To create a clearer picture, I have been dating him for about nine months. I was upfront from our first date about my chosen occupation. He is not thrilled with the idea of what I do but accepts it and we try to avoid the subject for the most part.

I am looking at different movies and come acroos "The American" with George Clooney. There was a cute googly eyed couple next to me at the store and we start chit chatting. The guy tells me its a great film that would be great for a couples night. He says its about a assassin so it has an element of suspense a man might enjoy but also has a great love story. Ok, I think, perfect.

So, we cuddle up on the couch ready to enjoy a good movie, right? I soon realize that the great love story is about Clooney falling in love with a escort he has been seeing in Europe.There sex initially is somewhat animalistic and unattached at first but they begin to develop feelings for each other. The best (actually most awkward moment) was when Clooney and the escort are in bed and something changes between them, he goes down on her and she gives up control seeking pleasure for herself and not just tending to his needs. All I could do was look at the man I am dating and say " I am sorry, I had no idea what this movie was about. The guy next to me at the store just said it was good." It was so incredibly awkward.

We were, in the least, able to chuckle afterward about the chance movie rental.
I saw the movie. One of Clooney's worst. Worthy of a newbie actor, not a guy at the top of his game.

And yes, I can understand how it would make for an awkward evening.