Ranking The Eccie Board

Fast Gunn's Avatar
How do you folks rank the general setup of this board and how the mods are running it compared to the other boards you have used?

I think a good board should be conducive to creating a sense of community and that seems to be developing here.

Personally, I am impressed with the overall quality of this board and the general civility of the members and the mods (with a few exceptions, but we'll overlook them since they do not appear to be recurrent).

What suggestions or improvements would you suggest to this board?

Personally, I like the provider showcase and I would like to see that feature expanded and we could do that by attracting more ladies to the board. Let's make them feel more welcome!

I would also suggest a "Suggestion Box" forum where people could post suggestions or improvements to the board.

Please cast your honest vote and let's get an overview of how all the members feel about how Eccie is conducting their business.

Whispers's Avatar
Nice layout and easy to use.

I love the Provider Showcase features.

Of all the Texas Options when ASPD went down this made it to the top of my list.

I would rank it's current operation above that of ASPD over the last few years before it disappeared. It appears more open and conducive to the flow of information than they were.

Two Thumbs Up here!
Somewhat of an ignorant post for here. Everyone here is biased towards ECCIE.
except for all the fucking polls this place is great
except for all the fucking polls this place is great Originally Posted by monkmonk
Maybe we should change the name to the Nielson Board.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
One must ask certain questions to really know the answers.

But of course, one runs the risk of raising the ire of those who could simply not respond at all if the mere question bothers them.

Unfortunately, not everyone it seems understands the value of good manners, but such lack lowers your value in the eyes of others.

In any case, there are members here from other boards that might have something more constructive to say besides childish contempt.

Unfortunately, not everyone it seems understands the value of good manners.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Talking about yourself again????
gptxman's Avatar
I have only been on this board and ASPD. I was only on ASPD for about a month or so before it closed down so I really never never had the chance to completely know it. I have now been on this board for a month or so also and I can see some differences in how things are located and accessed compared to ASPD but for the most part they serve the same purpose. I guess there are others out there but I have not found them yet if they do exists.
TrulySummer's Avatar
For starters, as it has been stated several times, the owners are active in the day to day process around here nad are accessible to all. I think this helps any issue that arises get handled and dealt with very quickly.

I LOVE the provider showcase. I also like that the owners are always trying to improve the board and incorporte and entertain any idea that someone else might come up with.

Eccie will have growing pains. All new ventures do. I think they will become a valuable source of info for the hobby community...
TBONE's Avatar
  • 02-16-2010, 11:25 AM
except for all the fucking polls this place is great Originally Posted by monkmonk
Hey Buddy I LOVE the polls...especially this one where I can vote 10 times!! LOL!!
nebtex1's Avatar
The look and feel is a big improvement over the P.

However, the biggest think for me is that you are not consider a moron if you are not one of the regulars on the board.

Oh and I love that you can edit your post to correct mistakes once you re-read it ... after you saved it. My favorite stock info. posting board has that feature ... but it doesn't have enough traffic to make it very useable ... unfortunately a lot of BB's don't have this feature.
grtrader's Avatar
It is a fairly new site. There is the potential for greatness. However, that will depend on a lot of stuff to come. Such as how will the site stand up to more users, space, back ups.... and so on that a large site will eventually need to deal with.

So far no negatives at this time.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-16-2010, 06:07 PM
One must ask certain questions to really know the answers.

But of course, one runs the risk of raising the ire of those who could simply not respond at all if the mere question bothers them.

Unfortunately, not everyone it seems understands the value of good manners, but such lack lowers your value in the eyes of others.

In any case, there are members here from other boards that might have something more constructive to say besides childish contempt.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Your audacity knows no bounds...

[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=16447"]Chinese People - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]

You are in no position to take such a condescending attitude.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It's getting late, little troll.

You'd better be going home before someone steals your place . . . under the bridge!

I think your days are numbered on this board!

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-16-2010, 10:19 PM