Is this the Eccie board or?

carkido45's Avatar
Txgator and Wayward and WakeUp's board they seem to own this board run people down or off without any resistance is it there board?
dearhunter's Avatar
Txgator and Wayward and WakeUp's board they seem to own this board run people down or off without any resistance is it there board? Originally Posted by carkido45
For a minute there I thought you were asking if this is their board......after reading your post more closely, I realize that you are saying the board is there for them to use.......and the answer should be "yes".........resistance is futile.

allofamber is correct......I am the kinder, more gentle dearhunter.
Wakeup's Avatar
This should be good...

P.S.-I paid for my Lifetime Premium Access, so from a certain point of view yeah, I own more of it than you do...
Raphael's Avatar
When board owners realize bad reputations are never good for business, then they will rid us of these people...
dearhunter's Avatar
If you fellas would squeeze out one more review (each) this week, it would be greatly appreciated.
Wayward's Avatar
Txgator and Wayward and WakeUp's board they seem to own this board run people down or off without any resistance is it there board? Originally Posted by carkido45
Don't own this board, but I've owned you about every time you vomit out another inane post. It's sort of a pubic service, I've also repeatedly tried to help you be a little less clueless. But you aren't having any of that, now OASPDBB share some of that vast hobby insight, a little wit or even a clever turn of phrase.

Father Wayward would like to stop and bless your hobby marriage to Raphael, if it wouldn't be too intrusive who is going to bottom?
allofamber's Avatar

allofamber is correct......I am the kinder, more gentle dearhunter. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Kinder, more gentle dearhunter..where is my frosty-cold beverage? I'm still waiting (Treasures anyone?)
dearhunter's Avatar
them be some tig bitties.....up close and personal.
allofamber's Avatar
them be some tig bitties.....up close and personal. Originally Posted by dearhunter
They even have names.."soup & salad" friend once picked up my bra and she said "dam the cups in your bra look like bowls....there perfect for your soup and your salad"....LOL...well the name stuck, and ever since all my homies call them "soup & salad"....

Now back on topic...

DH..twice now your name has been left off the "Lynch mob" threads...could it be true...are you becoming a teddy bear now?
dearhunter's Avatar
Yes, I am.......until next time.
notanewbie's Avatar
alright, you two get a room, and a video recorder
Wakeup's Avatar
When board owners realize bad reputations are never good for business, then they will rid us of these people... Originally Posted by Raphael
I gotta say Raphael, I admire your "high road" tactic here. It's a little impressive.

Just remember though...this is a hooker message board...the "high road" here is still nothing but a gutter in the real world, and it's a dead end to boot...
oilfieldscum's Avatar
alright, you two get a room, and a video recorder Originally Posted by notanewbie
Which two carkido and raph?
dearhunter's Avatar
yuck....NaN wants to see a video of Chachi and the ninja turtle?
I think a poll posted in each city's co-ed board as well as the national one would be the next logical step...

Funny thing is I've seen quite a few newbs that have contributed productively in the last month or so. The ads and reviews don't seem to have dropped off, so who exactly have they run off? We're talking people of value towards the purpose of this board, not the pathologically banned or post whores.