Smpslt7's Avatar
Just curious, do any of you use this web site? I just noticed their ad on eccie.
Treetop78759's Avatar
ck1942 should use it to help keep LE and uninvited guest from attending Eccie socials.
Smpslt7's Avatar
That was not helpful. If you can answer my question, I welcome your comments. If you're going to hijack my thread, then go away.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I do recommend. That's why I made the suggestion. With that said, I think it would be difficult for the masses to use. It would be great for a social setting or a GB type function. Small groups. Specific events.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-01-2017, 09:14 PM
Tiny Tree has a diffucult time with reality. Or staying on topic. Attention deficit disorder can result in anti social behavior.
ck1942's Avatar
Social vouching protocol for hobbyists is outlined below (because I don't need any of your personal data in case a provider needs a gentle reminder of who you might be). There's a separate process in which providers are vouched.

-- Please ask at least two established providers to send me vouches for sessions from within the past 90 days or so.

-- What they need to tell me is: 1) you are an active hobbyist (meaning they saw you within the past 90 days or so) who respected their rules and 2) they feel you will respect the event rules (see link in my signature)

I'll let you know soon as I receive their vouches.

Just so you fully know the event rules. They mandate that

-- there is no hobby talk at any event

-- no data from any event may be shared with persons who were not present at that event

-- that those who join the invite list commit to hobbying at least every other month or so (and getting re-vouched periodically) and commit to attending events every other month or so, as well.

The organizers understand -- and take into account -- that the Real World may interfere with attending (and sessioning) commitments and will take that into account if you tell us.

You may forward this message to the providers if you wish.