Even some libtards have come to the realization CNN and MSNBC lie to them

berryberry's Avatar
Fox News continues cable news dominance as more Democrats in key demo tune in over MSNBC, CNN

Tucker Carlson Tonight' is the most-watched show among Democrats in demo, data shows

Recent data shared by Nielsen MRI Fusion show Fox News becoming the preferred cable news channel among Democrats in the key 25-54 demo.

The data collected in October 2021 shows Fox News earning the largest share of liberal viewers in the demo with a whopping 42% while just 33% tune into CNN and 25% tune into MSNBC.

Additionally, the data reveals "Tucker Carlson Tonight" is the No. 1 among Democrats in the demo while Fox News notched three of the top four programs among all Democrats with "The Five," "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and "Hannity" competitive with MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show."

Fox News maintains a strong lead in the demo across all political stripes, dominating among conservatives with a nice 69% of the share while just 16% tune in to MSNBC and 15% to CNN. Fox News also is the most-watched among independents in the demo with 58% of the share while only 25% watch CNN and 18% watch MSNBC.

berryberry's Avatar
Are there any libs here who are going to admit they made the switch - or are you afraid of getting kicked out of the club?
eyecu2's Avatar
Libtards- Lol...well the conclusions you try to draw are a ruse and more gaslighting. Most liberals watch some sort of "conservative-propaganda" news, just to see what craziness is brewing by the strictly opinion journalist employed there. It's like looking into a window where mad people are running amuk, all drinking the coolaid and saying the IDENTICAL story. I find that watching that channel can be enlightening to understand the inflammatory mentality of reptards and the who laptop, her emails and other conspiracy stories. It's like it was fresh off Hannitys lip and into the ears of the babbling minions. Surely they must all get together, and share what the talking points of the day will be, cuz not one of those shows is different than the other. With the exception of Greg gutfeldt who goes the extra mile just to be as anti-democrat as possible. But he does it with humor at least. Hannity, the guy couldn't finish college, is given a large swath of time but yet is strictly an opinion driven mouthpiece, who lost all credibility after Alan Combs left. At least when it was crossfire on Fox, there was a point / counterpoint type of narrative being presented. It was informative and entertaining. Now it's just MAGA central and the red state TV club. Same guests over and over. Nobody who isn't just an opinion piece. Has beens like Tulsi Gabbard, Brian Chaffetz, Marsha Blackburn or the morons of the Right-wingerds club all spout only about gloom and doom, and regurgitate about DRumpf at every opportunity. Yes the same guy facing lawsuits in 3 states, but not so much as a peep about that. It's radio silence on non-maga information. I think they gin- up their audience by simply saying the word freedom enough in every opinion piece till there's enough red meat for the low IQ club of listeners.

Ever noticed that they no longer consider or use the tagline fair and balanced?, It's because they aren't.

GOP TV. MAGA. Btw that slogan was another thing Trump ripped off from someone. Originally it was coined by Ronald Reagan...but he didn't try to turn it into a marketing slogan for shirts and hats. He uses it as a mantra for unity vs separation. It seems like the commercialism of Trump just turns most of his ideas into another scheme. Exactly the reason behind most people who don't like or trust him. The rest might need a hat or shirt or a flag to rally them... usually cause they are so short sighted they need a logo to help them remember who they like. Pathetic and a simple marketing ruse that I'm sure has lined the pockets of Trump and his cult followers. Too bad the Q guy didn't stand up to be counted, (Jim / Ron Watkins) cause he missed out on some of that good $, by being a pussy. Funny how FAUX opinion channel doesnt talk much about that, or the Shaman dude. Too busy promoting the trucking blockades and manipulating the minds of the tin hat club
berryberry's Avatar
I find that watching that channel can be enlightening Originally Posted by eyecu2
So you did make the switch. What do you know. Aren't you afraid they are going to revoke your left wing membership card. Are you going to be kicked out of the club?

It really is beautiful when more and more libtards wake up every day realizing CNN and MSNBC have been feeding them a load of bullshit and lies for years and they make the switch to Fox News which is what is happening here.
Calling Fox News, a news outlet is a misnomer, its actually a propaganda outlet for right wing authoritarianism and anti- democracy propaganda!
They wanted to pull a Victor Orban type coup, insidiously change the voting laws to favor the minority as was done in Russia, Hungary and several other formerly democratic nation states!

Even that asshole Hannity knew insanity when he saw it, as per his texts to that orange assholes chief of staff MM on 1/6 so we do know that they know the difference between right and wrong.
Unfortunately for them the mango moron, that petulant child that the reptards voted in to office had other plans!
And now they are afraid to bite into the shit sandwich that DJT served them!
As eye said when Combes was there I could actually watch it a bit, but not much actual news reported there now.
And the news that is reported there is all twisted to lies and conspiracy theories designed to fit thier narrative.
And yes it talks to the low IQ segment of the right!
The ones with with the money they dont believe any of foxe's shit, they know that they are lying.
But they want to be the olygarchs!
In Russia the olygarchs have it made, and every one else gets to eat shit!
I'm sure that there are some of those on here that see themselves in that role.
That's why they crow so loudly in the favor of an obvious asshole!
And they are in here reciting and even providing links for conspiracy theories!
Fox plays to the low IQ voter's that want to believe that thier situation is controlled by a government that just wants to keep a foot on thier neck!
Hey low IQ guy, get your head out of your ass, if you really want to feel someone's boot on your neck allow the Facist to take power!
But unfortunately that may be the only way that the low IQers realize thier mistake!
With the boot of facisim on thier necks!
Courtesy of DJT!

And the wanna be olygarchs realize that the population is moving away rapidly away from the direction they would like.
And as the law now stands, or stood it is a real possibility that they may never win another election.
Especially if they don't start to produce some policy that might actually help the American people.
Not ham string everything Biden is doing just to be assholes!
Yes MTG, was just bragging about that!
So it would seem that they really only have facisim to sell, and unfortunately 1/3 of our country is alright with that.

So if they can't get what they want that way then they will take it through a Facist take over of the government !

Facist! Fascist! Fascist! ��
Shame! Shame! Shame! ��

Libtards- Lol...well the conclusions you try to draw are a ruse and more gaslighting. Most liberals watch some sort of "conservative-propaganda" news, just to see what craziness is brewing by the strictly opinion journalist employed there. It's like looking into a window where mad people are running amuk, all drinking the coolaid and saying the IDENTICAL story. I find that watching that channel can be enlightening to understand the inflammatory mentality of reptards and the who laptop, her emails and other conspiracy stories. It's like it was fresh off Hannitys lip and into the ears of the babbling minions. Surely they must all get together, and share what the talking points of the day will be, cuz not one of those shows is different than the other. With the exception of Greg gutfeldt who goes the extra mile just to be as anti-democrat as possible. But he does it with humor at least. Hannity, the guy couldn't finish college, is given a large swath of time but yet is strictly an opinion driven mouthpiece, who lost all credibility after Alan Combs left. At least when it was crossfire on Fox, there was a point / counterpoint type of narrative being presented. It was informative and entertaining. Now it's just MAGA central and the red state TV club. Same guests over and over. Nobody who isn't just an opinion piece. Has beens like Tulsi Gabbard, Brian Chaffetz, Marsha Blackburn or the morons of the Right-wingerds club all spout only about gloom and doom, and regurgitate about DRumpf at every opportunity. Yes the same guy facing lawsuits in 3 states, but not so much as a peep about that. It's radio silence on non-maga information. I think they gin- up their audience by simply saying the word freedom enough in every opinion piece till there's enough red meat for the low IQ club of listeners.

Ever noticed that they no longer consider or use the tagline fair and balanced?, It's because they aren't.

GOP TV. MAGA. Btw that slogan was another thing Trump ripped off from someone. Originally it was coined by Ronald Reagan...but he didn't try to turn it into a marketing slogan for shirts and hats. He uses it as a mantra for unity vs separation. It seems like the commercialism of Trump just turns most of his ideas into another scheme. Exactly the reason behind most people who don't like or trust him. The rest might need a hat or shirt or a flag to rally them... usually cause they are so short sighted they need a logo to help them remember who they like. Pathetic and a simple marketing ruse that I'm sure has lined the pockets of Trump and his cult followers. Too bad the Q guy didn't stand up to be counted, (Jim / Ron Watkins) cause he missed out on some of that good $, by being a pussy. Funny how FAUX opinion channel doesnt talk much about that, or the Shaman dude. Too busy promoting the trucking blockades and manipulating the minds of the tin hat club Originally Posted by eyecu2
eyecu2's Avatar
[QUOTE=berryberry; Aren't you afraid they are going to revoke your left wing membership card. Are you going to be kicked out of the club?

It really is beautiful when more and more libtards wake up every day realizing CNN and MSNBC have been feeding them a load of bullshit [/QUOTE]

Well once again the king of taking things out of context, tries to assert that I have changed my views and I'm looking towards Fox to give me insight. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Pathetic ruse actually. What I said was that I periodically will listen to some of the shows to see what kind of antisocial programming they're pumping into the morons known as rep-tards. That way at least I know how fucked up things will be here on the board the next couple of days. The mockingbirds of the right wearing their tin foil hats rejoice at every Hannity hour. I would say the only thing we could agree on relative to the programming at Fox, is that they have better looking women on there, stupid, but maybe better looking. Never heard such bullshit in my life and straight up fucking lies coming from an entire channel
berryberry's Avatar
The mockingbirds of the right wearing their tin foil hats rejoice at every Hannity hour. I would say the only thing we could agree on relative to the programming at Fox, is that they have better looking women on there Originally Posted by eyecu2
LOL you watch more of Fox News than I do

And the facts don't lie even though you like to pretend otherwise. Recent data shared by Nielsen MRI Fusion show Fox News becoming the preferred cable news channel among Democrats in the key 25-54 demo.