Georgia Election Fraud - the REAL Story

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This isn’t a show trial. DA Willis and her team expect some if not all of the conspirators in the Georgia election case to go to the big house.

Even Trump.

Despite his increased warnings and threats, It is looking more and more like “convicted felon” will be more than a footnote in Trumpler’s bio.

I am sure there are a bunch of excuses why this won’t happen and theories for why it is. Not to mention threats of what could happen when it does.

Georgia prosecutors predict jail sentences in Trump 2020 election case

Exclusive: Fulton county prosecutors say in emails their legal careers will continue long after defendants go to jail

Hugo Lowell

Thu 7 Dec 2023 06.00 EST

Fulton county prosecutors have signaled they want prison sentences in the Georgia criminal case against Donald Trump and his top allies for allegedly violating the racketeering statute as part of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, according to exchanges in private emails.

Aaron Ford gestures in close-up.

“We have a long road ahead,” the Fulton county district attorney, Fani Willis, wrote in one email. “Long after these folks are in jail, we will still be practicing law.”

The previously unreported emails, between Willis and defense lawyers, open a window on to the endgame envisioned by prosecutors on her team – which could inform legal strategies ahead of a potential trial next year, such as approaches toward plea deal negotiations.

Prosecutors are not presently expected to offer plea agreements to Trump, his former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and his former election lawyer Rudy Giuliani, but left open the possibility of talks with other co-defendants, the Guardian previously reported.

The emails also underscore the increasing breakdown in trust with a growing number of defense lawyers who have regarded prosecutors’ tactics – including Willis assuming she will win – as inappropriately aggressive and presumptuous given the case remains months from a potential verdict.

The district attorney raised the prospect of defendants in prison in a 29 November exchange, which started with Trump’s lawyer Steve Sadow complaining about an incomplete Giuliani transcript the defense received in discovery, according to two people with direct knowledge of the emails.

A judge listens intently.

Judge Scott McAfee listens during a hearing in the case against Trump in Fulton county, Atlanta, on 1 December. Photograph: John David Mercer/EPA
Willis responded that the defense lawyers would receive the full transcript in the next production of discovery and, in increasingly tense exchanges, took offense that she was not being referred to by her formal title as well as the implicit accusation that they were withholding evidence.

“No one placed me here and I have earned this title,” Willis said, apparently taking umbrage that she was not referred to specifically as the district attorney, but as a prosecutor. “I’ve never practiced law by hiding the ball, I’ve enjoyed beating folks by making sure they have the entire file.”

The email took a turn when Willis added that they should remain professional because their legal careers would continue even after the election case co-defendants went to jail. Willis signed off: “yours in service”.

Trump and 18 co-defendants in August originally pleaded not guilty to charges that they violated Georgia’s state racketeering statute as they sought to overturn the 2020 election. In the following weeks, four of the 18 negotiated plea deals and extricated themselves from the case.

The remark about jail caused consternation with some of the defense lawyers, who have been aghast that the district attorney’s office would throw around what they took as a prison threat in a cavalier manner, according to multiple people familiar with the situation.

A spokesperson for Willis declined to comment.

Relations between prosecutors and defense lawyers have been particularly strained in recent weeks, people close to the case have said, mainly since several media outlets published videotaped “proffer” statements that the former Trump lawyers Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro gave as part of plea deals.

The district attorney’s office had privately believed Trump’s team leaked the videos, only to be surprised when the lawyer for the former Coffee county elections official Misty Hampton acknowledged at a court hearing that he had disseminated videos to a certain news outlet.

The leak of the proffer statements prompted prosecutors to seek an emergency protective order on discovery materials and to refuse to provide copies of any future proffer videos to defense lawyers, who would instead have to view them in the district attorney’s offices in Atlanta.

In the separate federal 2020 election subversion case brought against Trump in Washington, the discovery materials were subject to a protective order almost as soon as Trump was charged. But special counsel prosecutors have not forced Trump’s lawyers to only view the discovery in person.

The Fulton county superior judge Scott McAfee, who is presiding in the case, ultimately agreed to impose a protective order governing the release of discovery materials marked as “sensitive”, though the threat to only have proffer videos available in the district attorn
Jail em, fucking Trump supporting idiots.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I see where the “fake electors” in Wisconsin (or was it Michigan?) retracted their position, apologized and agreed President Biden won
They knew that from the beginning. Just like everyone else that repeats the stupid lie ad nauseum
Precious_b's Avatar
Wasn't there a time cutoff point where the Prosecutors were going to stop offering plea bargains or end favourable terms of such?
  • Tiny
  • 12-07-2023, 04:30 PM
They knew that from the beginning. Just like everyone else that repeats the stupid lie ad nauseum Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Biden won 73% of the vote in Fulton County in 2020 and Trump won 26%. Polls indicate 69% of Republicans and Republican leaning independents believe Trump won in 2020. Based on that, my wild guess is that 18% of the jury pool will believe Trump won going into the trial (0.69 x 0.26 = 18%). That's between 1 out of 5 and 1 out of 6 people who will believe the election was fraudulent. There will be 12 jurors.

What's your guess as to the probability the jury will find Trump guilty on at least one felony charge?

And how about the Washington, D.C. case? Trump won 5.4% of the votes in the District of Columbia in 2020, so using the same rinky-dink reasoning, about 1 out of 27 people in the jury pool would believe Trump actually won the election. There will also be 12 jurors in the federal case.
oilfieldace's Avatar
They are DEAD wrong no conviction coming. If after 3 years anyone that believes Biden actually won is some of that dense. He will win again in 2024 making him a 3 time winner.

Without question the best President of this or any other century. TRUMP MAGA AGAIN AND AGAIN! Suck it up boys he is on the way
Some things never change

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Some things never change

Originally Posted by 69in2it69

if you say so

Biden won 73% of the vote in Fulton County in 2020 and Trump won 26%. Polls indicate 69% of Republicans and Republican leaning independents believe Trump won in 2020. Based on that, my wild guess is that 18% of the jury pool will believe Trump won going into the trial (0.69 x 0.26 = 18%). That's between 1 out of 5 and 1 out of 6 people who will believe the election was fraudulent. There will be 12 jurors.

What's your guess as to the probability the jury will find Trump guilty on at least one felony charge?

And how about the Washington, D.C. case? Trump won 5.4% of the votes in the District of Columbia in 2020, so using the same rinky-dink reasoning, about 1 out of 27 people in the jury pool would believe Trump actually won the election. There will also be 12 jurors in the federal case. Originally Posted by Tiny

exactly right dude

Yssup Rider's Avatar
They are DEAD wrong no conviction coming. If after 3 years anyone that believes Biden actually won is some of that dense. He will win again in 2024 making him a 3 time winner.

Without question the best President of this or any other century. TRUMP MAGA AGAIN AND AGAIN! Suck it up boys he is on the way Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Your honor, the defense rests.

True, if you just "polled" random people. But that's not the way the judicial system works, every juror will be questioned by both the prosecution and defense to select 12 who will make an UNBIASED decision based on...wait for it, FACTS presented by both sides.

I appreciate the random math attempt, but the system is designed to account for it. Would a prosecution accept a jury in a trial against a "gang member" if the names called were all also "affiliated" or assumed to be with the same group? Grey matter kids...use it or lose it. It might make a Faux news show, but it's not how the real judicial system works.
Tiny knows better. He keeps pushing this drivel to try to get under my skin.
  • Tiny
  • 12-08-2023, 08:22 AM
Tiny knows better. He keeps pushing this drivel to try to get under my skin. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
It may be drivel but that’s absolutely not intended to get under your skin. I’m a lot more interested in whether Trump will be convicted than I was in who shot JR.

Intuitively I think he’ll get off with a hung jury in Fulton County and get convicted in DC, because of the nature of the jury pool. But my opinion is pretty worthless while you’re far more qualified to handicap this than anyone here. I’d take your view over to a British betting site or and put money on it, if I figured you were offering your unbiased view.

People don’t think logically about this. Trump deserves to be convicted for the fake electors. But for paying off Stormy Daniels? Really? Unless they can truly seat apolitical juries, I don’t know how you have a trial that’s fair, to Trump and the plaintiff. I figure he loses in New York and wins in Florida, even though the government’s case may be more compelling in Florida.

If I were judge, jury and executioner, I’d sentence him to time in an ankle bracelet at Mar a Lago. This is not an original idea. Another poster here came up with it. In the words of Ronald Reagan, Barrack Obama, and Jesus, the USA is the shining city on a hill. Other countries look up to us. How’s it going to look if we lock up an ex President? But then on the other hand, he did try to steal an election. We can’t let him get off Scot free. An ankle bracelet seems like a good compromise.

Mar a Lago’s a comfortable place and he could run for president and run the White House from there. There’s a golf course. I’m in the McCain camp though. I don’t see how Trump wins, even against Biden. And if he does by some miracle, well, the people will have spoken.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sorry Tiny. 1b1 may be right.
eyecu2's Avatar
The real story of election fraud; Has anyone found actual fraud, proven fraud, or in some way found that the allegations of Giuliani and Trump have a leg to stand on? I can see Trump saying he relied on Rudy etal, but then there will be the prosecution who will roll out person after person who will say, Trump knew this was not true, he was told it was not true, and despite that, persisted in his attempt to assuage anyone/ everyone to stop either the count, or declare a problem with the count.

None of which resulted in anything more than the actual audits, recounts on slim victories anyway, and when it was all said it done, Rathensburger certified the vote.

I don't see how Trump wiggles out of this one bit, but that's just me! I don't see where a jury who hears from people like even Jenna Ellis and the Kracken lady that they knew it was all bullshit too. There is just too much damaging testimony- and when you add Mark Meadows into this, that will be the end of our Orange Marmalade Chief of Lying.