Is Biden the stupidest president of our lifetimes? The stupidest ever?

  • Tiny
  • 12-22-2023, 05:11 PM
Intelligence as measured by IQ tests peaks around age 20 to 40 and then heads downward. But IQ is adjusted for age. By definition, the average IQ of 20 year olds would be 100. The average for 50 year olds is also 100, as is the average for 80 year olds. This is even though people get stupider and score lower on the tests as they get older.

Alan Kaufman, a researcher at Yale, calculates a "full scale" (global) IQ, where he removes the adjustment for age, and adds an adjustment for educational levels of people in different age groups:

Based on Kaufman's research, the average full scale IQ for people 20 to 44 is about 100. Then it drops as follows:

45 to 54 years old - 97
55 to 64 years old - 94
65 to 69 years old - 90
70 to 74 years old - 86
75 years and older - 79

So lets assume Joe Biden is of average intelligence. He graduated in the bottom part of his classes at the University of Delaware and Syracuse University Law School. Some believe he wouldn't have graduated from either if he weren't a skilled plagiarizer. Throughout his career he's seemed somewhat mentally challenged from time to time.

I think "average" is reasonable.

Biden is 81 years old. So let's go with the "full scale" IQ of 79 above, for people 75 and older.

Here's an IQ percentile converter,

If I plug in 79, I get 8%. In other words, if Biden is of average intelligence for a person who's 75+ years old, he'd be pretty close to the bottom, in the 8% percentile, for people 20 to 44 years old.

I plugged that into a couple of other converters and got about the same number.

Think about it another way. Human Rights Watch says "to be diagnosed as having mental retardation, a person must have an IQ below 70-75":

If Biden's full scale IQ is 79, four points higher than the upper end of the 70-75 range, we have a president who'd be pretty close to a retard if he were in the 20 to 44 age group. How much sense does that make?

Trump's not much better. If elected next year, he'll be 82 when his term expires.

We need new blood! Yes, Ronald Reagan did a great job. But he was "only" 77 when he left office.
Tiny. You’re getting worse man. There was hope for you but you’re headed the way of Salty Ace and Farmer. I hope you got this from ChatGPT or something rather than typing that shit and actually giving it thought yourself.
  • Tiny
  • 12-22-2023, 08:17 PM
It's a five star thread Blackman! Admittedly headed to two stars after this post.

Thanks for the compliment. No, it wasn't written by ChatGPT, but if you'd like you can call me "Supercomputer Brain" instead of Tiny going forward.
ManSlut's Avatar

We need new blood! Yes, Ronald Reagan did a great job. But he was "only" 77 when he left office. Originally Posted by Tiny
Reagan had 3 men, known as his “the Troika”, who were with him throughout his first term (then they departed in early 1985), and they did the heavy thinking and planning. Reagan was probably just more of a very good listener. The 3 legends of his staff were:

James A. Baker - Chief of Staff
Michael Deaver - Deputy Chief of Staff
Edwin Meese - Counselor to the President

Regarding the rest of your thread - Can’t we just have what a person’s true & accurate IQ is, no age average bullshit? But what do I know, mine was tested over 20 years ago to have been 155. Some consider 160 to be genius level, some consider 150 to be…I have no doubt my IQ has declined by participating in this Forum and defending the very fabric of this country from OrangeMan, Trumpers/MAGA Cranks, QAnon False Shit Stirrers, and last but not least, Aussie Village Idiots.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Really? You have to ask?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
NiceGuy53's Avatar
The simple answers to the 2 questions the op asks in the title of this thread are Yes and Yes.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The simple answers to the 2 questions the op asks in the title of this thread are Yes and Yes. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Incorrect. The simple answer is as simple as the logic of this goofy thread. To read and believe this silly shit 100% at face value means you must actually know Biden's current IQ, know every president's IQ at their age as president and acknowledge that Kennedy is the smartest POTUS we've ever elected.

Anyway, I'm completely fine with ageism for a reason. It's not that I dislike geezers, I just don't think POTUS is the job for them. There is a minimum age to be president. IMO there should be a maximum age when you can't be. I strongly believe that Biden and Trump are way too old to be under consideration for such a difficult responsibility. I wouldn't trust either one of those one foot in the grave motherfuckers to even be a greeter at Walmart and certainly not the appointed leader of this great country.

Brilliant thread as usual, Tiny. I just thought I would help clarify the goofball part of it in my 1st paragraph to actually give it more validity and substance if possible (it's not).
oilfieldace's Avatar
IQ doesn’t drop as we get older. The quickness of people to grasp facts can change. But the age varies. I know 80 year olds that are still sharp as ever, but 60 year olds that have definitely slipped mentallly.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
IQ doesn’t drop as we get older. The quickness of people to grasp facts can change. But the age varies. I know 80 year olds that are still sharp as ever, but 60 year olds that have definitely slipped mentallly. Originally Posted by farmstud60
The reason IQ does not drop as we age is because we are only compared to others of the same age.

" IQs are always calculated relative to a person’s age, whether that age is 10, 15, 25, 50, 72, or 88. So 25 year olds are compared to other 25 year olds in terms of the number of items they answer correctly on any given task just as 50 year olds are compared to other 50 year olds. For every age group, the average or mean IQ is set at 100. So we can’t directly compare the mean IQs across the adult age range because—by definition—every group will average 100."

But as you said, the decline in cognitive abilities varies from person to person and varies in different areas.

"Now we can compare Full Scale (global) IQs for adults of different ages. A clear decline is evident. The mean WAIS-IV IQ is 100 for ages 20-24 and is 99 for ages 25-44. Then it drops to 97 for ages 45-54, to 94 for ages 55-64, to 90 for 65-69, to 86 for ages 70-74 and to 79 for ages 75+.

But global IQ is an amalgam of different kinds of intelligence, the most popularly studied being fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence which together—along with abilities called working memory and processing speed—are combined to yield global or Full Scale IQ. Fluid intelligence or fluid reasoning (abbreviated Gf) reflects the ability to solve novel problems, the kind that aren’t taught in school, whereas Crystallized intelligence or crystallized knowledge (Gc) measures learning and problem solving that are related to schooling and acculturation. And they have very different aging curves.

Gc averages 98 at ages 20-24, rises to 101 by ages 35-44, before declining to 100 (ages 45-54), then 98 (55-64), then 96 (65-69), then 93 (70-74), and 88 (75+).

The decline with age in Gf—solving novel problems—is even more precipitous. Gf peaks at ages 20-24 (100), drops gradually to 99 (25-34) and 96 (35-44) before starting a roller coaster plunge to 91 (45-54), 86 (55-64), 83 (65-69), 79 (70-74), and 72 (75+)."
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Biden may not be the most intelligent - I think most people agree that was Carter - but he's not in Trump's or even Bush's class. (Both of them were stupider than shit).


Biden may not be the most intelligent - I think most people agree that was Carter - but he's not in Trump's or even Bush's class. (Both of them were stupider than shit).

HAHAHAHAHAAAA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yet Biden hasn't made a right decision yet.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Tiny. You’re getting worse man. There was hope for you but you’re headed the way of Salty Ace and Farmer. I hope you got this from ChatGPT or something rather than typing that shit and actually giving it thought yourself. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
How so bro? Does your post pertain to the subject.
One of the cardinal rules of debating is to never posit something that can be turned around and used against your argument...

So, assuming the posted "logic" is sound, apply the same logic to Mr. Trump, applying the same assumptions of average intelligence and academic ability (although probably giving Mr. Trump undue credit) and the results are essentially the same.

The point?