How important is hair color?

LatexLover's Avatar
So I'm evaluating my hobby habits and I find I am drawn to redheads but I also like brunette and blondes. For me I'd say hair color is not so important. How about the rest of you?
Color is relatively unimportant to me. I tend to not like redheads and bleach blondes as much as natural blondes, brunettes, and blacks, but that's just a slight preference. Hair style, however, is important. I can't articulate what it is I like, but I know it when I see it.
I think hair length is more important for my tastes than hair color. I like long hair on the Girls that I see. But I have only mostly seen Blondes and Brunettes, although when I saw Ms Julia she was a smoking hot Redhead. (not sure what her hair color of choice is now)

OK. So my answer is I like Blondes, Brunettes, and Redheads!
Lana Warren's Avatar
As long as it covers up my gray, I don't care which color I use!

OHHHHHHHH, you're asking the gentlemen........sorry, my bad!
Precision45's Avatar
As long as she has it (or doesn't have it) in all the right places I'm good.
michaeljohnson1970's Avatar
I am usually attracted to brunettes and blondes. It just depends on the woman. I tend to stray away from bleached out hair or hair with many streaks of color. Hairstyle is more important to me too. Natural flowing, long hair is attractive. No 80's rocker chick hair for me.
pmdelites's Avatar
one of my discriminating criteria is that she is brunette, redhead, or darker blonde. but i have gone out of my "comfort zone" and visited w/ lighter blondes, bleached blondes, white haired, and even bald.

stereotypically speaking, the blondes i've met are less interesting to me that the others [for example, their lack of skill at interesting conversation and their frequent if not constant giggling]. and tho i appreciate the female form and all its curves, i'm less interested in a woman with large breasts, esp. implants - to me, it seems to be a way to distract some guys from what i consider to be the more interesting treasures - their brains and their sexuality, which helps define their attitude toward sexual interactions.
berkleigh's Avatar
Omg....I freakin love my hair....I love anyone who has good hair of any color! I can't wait to finish school so I can experiment and become a kickass stylist.
warlock's Avatar
No preference on color, just that it's natural looking, ie. blond with dark roots is a no no, and it should match top and bottom, that includes eyebrows. Exception on color would be pink or blue...etc. Natural appearance, and undetectable if dyed. More important criteria than hair color for me.
Guest062512's Avatar
The only issue I have with hair color is when it keeps changing or is different from what I expected. So if you keep your pics updated so what I'm seeing is what I'm getting, I won't be disappointed no matter what color it is (unless of course, it's "grandma blue").

Hair color isn't really a deciding factor for me. As long as she looks good. I can't describe what looks good to me, its more of a case by case basis. I love long, long hair. But color doesn't really make or break it for me. I've dated women with short hair, long hair, and middle length, but long is my fav.
I love blonde hair.
I love blonde hair. Originally Posted by Tara Evans

I loved your blonde hair.....
A woman's hair color definitely matters to me. I have a weakness for red or auburn hair and completely stay away from blondes. I am sure I have missed out on some very hot blondes but it is just my personal preference.
  • Casey
  • 02-23-2010, 07:33 AM
Do you mean I have to start dying "down under", now? I do tint my eyebrows.

Ok so everyone swears I am a natural red head (haha got ya) and the only way to prove that I am not is to tell them the carpet doesn't match the curtains......

Also a rule of thumb is durring spring and summer that is the time to go lighter and brighter. Fall and Winter we tone down the color just a tad. I have been red for the last 6 or 7 yrs, but have been thinking of going back strawberry blonde. Haven't taken that jump, yet.
