I'm very sweet I don't like disrepect

Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I'm a very fun and sweet person and i really do enjoy the hobby but if you ask for activities that you know are extra please don't haggle with me and try to get it free...my attitude Will match the respect you give me...i might give discounts if you talk to me correctly or come see me more than once but I'm not rude just immediately or give attitude out of nowhere...woot woot on the saints game by the way it was a beautiful day!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
i do believe you were rude to us before.. however i will be the first to ask you to PLEASE TRY TO NOT THINK YOUR TEXAS IN LOUISIANA ! You can always be a asshole elsewhere..however Please try to not pick on our brethren... my 2 cents. annie p.s it will take you very far with us. well..lol..SOME are seeing purple right now. I ask unless unworthy..try to forget.
op....do you charge extra to NOT dance for us?
annie@christophers's Avatar
^^I <3 you Annie.....
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
i do believe you were rude to us before.. however i will be the first to ask you to PLEASE TRY TO NOT THINK YOUR TEXAS IN LOUISIANA ! You can always be a asshole elsewhere..however Please try to not pick on our brethren... my 2 cents. annie p.s it will take you very far with us. well..lol..SOME are seeing purple right now. I ask unless unworthy..try to forget. Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Ive never been rude to the ladies here and ypur side comment has nothing to do with my post..go be a troll elsewhere and FYI im not even from texas so get your facts correct before you run your mouth..i dont and wont condone haggling..if you do cheap discounts thats you but i do not...enjoy your night abd stay off my posts if it has nothing to do woth the subject
annie@christophers's Avatar
Slow down ..I WAS the welcome wagon. Now you can fuck off and do what they will with you... dam..