Retirement is inevitable!

Guest071315's Avatar
Hi all!

It is almost time to step away from the hobby completely but not for the usual reasons.

I have been struggling to book sessions and I do not understand why. I am one of the better looking ladies in the Metroplex, I work out, and I have a fun personality. It wears down my self esteem bc I look at it as rejection.

It is not fair for me to be sad or stressed bc I am in financial distress. I am a full time student and thought this would be the best way to support myself. Boy was I wrong; three appointments all month and it is the 15th?!

As of January 2013, I will try to have one day a week available but most likely I will have a full time job instead of the hobby. My favorite regulars will still have access to me. I have had fun meeting everyone.

Thank you for allowing me to share my feelings, sarcasm, and jokes the past few years.

You appear to be a pretty young lady and your reviews are all "YES" recommendations. I am sure there are people who will say because you don't indulge in certain activities, because your price is too high, etc., your business suffers.

Ignore them. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, you are going to school, you recognize that this business has not been as lucrative as you hoped, so you are moving on.

Take what you have going for you, ignore the negative crap that this industry feeds you, hold your head high, and move on to bigger and better things.

Trying to understand why some ladies "make it" in this business and others fail will just make your head hurt and I doubt you will be any closer to a solution. I have been watching this industry in the DFW area for 8 years now, and I still shake my head at some of the ladies who appear to be successful, wondering how they do it.

I do think you will find the part time application of your time to this career choice will not help the traffic you see, but if you have a few friends that arrange some time with you occassionally, it may be positive for you.

Again, don't let any of this hit you as rejection. Look at the guys on this board, most of us are pretty much losers in one way or another. None may wish to admit it, but we all have flaws. Perhaps one of our flaws was not recognizing what a great gal you are and letting you get away. But the world awaits you. Recognizing when it is time to move on is often one of the hardest things to do in our careers, and you have mastered that lesson at a young age.
+1 Tigercat....Very well said!
Your rates are too high. That's why people don't book with you.
john_deere's Avatar
Your rates are too high. That's why people don't book with you. Originally Posted by steviewinwood
wow. that was constructive.
Hercules's Avatar
I think your rates are right in line with your appearance and services.

You also need to consider seasonality of this business. It usually slows down around now. So I'm sure you're not alone.

Personally you've always popped up on my radar because I ADORE petite women and especially petite Hispanic ladies. Services offered are in line for me. But "No Outcall" runs against my preferences (I LIKE to boink in my bed what can I say! ). Point being, for me it had nothing to do with your looks or services. Logistics plays a role too.
Gypsy's Avatar
  • Gypsy
  • 11-15-2012, 11:53 AM
Ryan, since you are a full time student, and only work specific and limited hours, I think it would benefit you to post a once a week ad with your hours of availability for that week, kind of like you used to do. Also, a lot of guys like to have a phone number to call, instead of booking through P411 or your website since it is not always convenient to use a computer. And, guys, if you have not seen Ryan, she is one of the cutest, sweetest, coolest and certainly fittest providers you will ever meet.
Do not change your rates. From what I see they are in line. If you lower them, you may get marginally more business but with less margin and more wear and tear. And I agree logistics is an issue. For many of us, your location is a bit of a hike. Do not take it personally.
john_deere's Avatar
Do not change your rates. From what I see they are in line. If you lower them, you may get marginally more business but with less margin and more wear and tear. And I agree logistics is an issue. For many of us, your location is a bit of a hike. Do not take it personally. Originally Posted by outoftheblue
absolutely. buy a copy of freakonomics (dubner and leavitt) and read their case study on the biz.
LazurusLong's Avatar

You're a very fun and super sweet gal who I enjoyed time with in the past and hope to again soon.

It is not just you feeling the pain of slower appointments but with the current economy things are tight all over for almost everyone and that also means many more women are looking to either replace or supplement their income by entering or even returning to this line of work and the barriers to entry for this "job" seem to continue to get easier but that also means there are so many to choose from it can be difficult to attract clients.

We are also in the slowest time of the year as many men will be focused on the holidays and spending extra cash on gifts for the family instead of providers. Ever since I've been in this thing we call a hobby, I've seen it and Lovingkayla has made numerous posts about it over the years.
  • hd
  • 11-15-2012, 12:37 PM
Marketing! One thought I just had, keep your rate but add 15min to your time (75min.) Unless you're running clients in and out like an assembly line, an extra 15 won't hurt you.

Get creative
Guest071315's Avatar
Thanks so much everyone! It is nice to hear support. I have leaned on providers I know on a personal level and they have given me tips and love.

A few things I want to address:
1. You are right about activities. Greek or CIM, which is very popular, is something I will NEVER do. I am going into the medical field and I know what comes from that activity.
2. Rates are perfectly fine. They are in the range for Dallas and from what I hear, my looks deserve it. Lowering means more clients and do you really want to be number 5 in a day? Service would go down and I like to enjoy my clients.
3. Having a phone on is a fantastic idea bc you are right about not being able to sign into p411 all the time. With that being said, I am in school M-W bright and early and do not get home until after 2pm so I miss phone calls. On the weekends, I have other obligations so my phone is off. That is why I prefer email but will keep my phone on as much as I am able.
4. Location is in North Dallas, Addison area which is where most ladies are established. I'm south of Frankford off the tollway.
5. Marketing is another great idea that I need to utilize. I couldn't agree more; fifteen minutes is no biggie to me and may work. I may redo my rates on p411 with that in mind. Also, I will start posting once a week my availability.

Once again, thank you so much. It makes me feel better knowing people are hear to lend an ear. I appreciate the feedback more than I can say. I will be around until I find a job.
Several nice, constructive ideas, a few useless ideas.

That said, I didn't read where she was asking for ideas to stay in the business. I read that she was going to be leaving, or at least making this a much smaller portion of her cash flow plan.

I applaud her for the decision and continue to wish her well.

EDIT: Guess my post was while Ryan was posting. Shows my blazing typing speed when it took me over 3minutes to type my small response.
Say What's Avatar

I don't get it either!

I just visited your P411 and! Your rates, menu, location, and availability all sound perfect. Candlelight and refreshments? Showers and toiletries? GFE and MSOG? Three hour dinner dates for $600?

I don't even have any constructive criticism. All I can really say is...see you soon!
Guest071315's Avatar
LOL, I was long winded tiger cat! Your original posts was quite lovely.