Leftists are Cowards who Hate America - CONFIRMED !!!

berryberry's Avatar
Proving yet again these cowardly leftists Hate America

Less than HALF of Democrats say they're willing to die fighting for America if another country invaded, according to Daily Mail poll: Three in 10 between 18 and 29 say they would surrender

Voters were asked what they would do if a foreign power invaded the US

Some 64 percent said they were prepared to stand their ground and die fighting

That number drops to fewer than half of Democrats in our exclusive poll

bambino's Avatar
They’re stupid cowards.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Somebody had to research this? Did they check if water is wet?
berryberry's Avatar
Somebody had to research this? Did they check if water is wet? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah, everyone knows leftists are the lowest of the low cowards who hate America

But I guess the pollsters wanted to find out for themselves

Perhaps they wanted to see more specifically just how cowardly and anti-American all the leftists in the country are

We could have told them the answer
DNinja69's Avatar
If only could live up to the standards set by righteous right wingers what a world we would live in lmao...

Cowardice, deception, greed, abuse of power, partisan political persecution all common traits for humans regardless of left or right leaning ideology.

Prejudice and oppression are often born from the mistaken belief that 'the other side' harbors unfortunate human traits on any significant level greater than our own. Of course there are always charts and stats we can seek out to help support these ideas. What fun would dysfunction be without support groups?
... And what fun would support groups be without some disfunction?

... I do get yer point here, mate.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Think about what these cowardly piece of garbage leftists would be doing right now if the USA was being attacked like Israel is?
DNinja69's Avatar
If by cowardly leftist garbage you mean our current administration that would be a clusterfuck of unfortunate proportions. But alas we are not in that situation we are currently facing 4 more years of a Dem filled White House in part because the Republican party does not have a functional mass appeal candidate. Whatever anyone believes happened in 2020 the current reality points towards Dems winning again. That isn't the fault of any leftists. It is a lack of leadership on the other side
HDGristle's Avatar
That isn't the fault of any leftists. It is a lack of leadership on the other side Originally Posted by DNinja69
Actual, adult leadership consistent with legitimate conservative values but willing to forge hard compromises.

Instead, we have childish arsonists put into power with storage lockers full of gas cans and match books. Then we wonder why they keep trying to burn the place down.
DNinja69's Avatar
Childish arsonists is certainly on point.

Where else does this amount of money, experience, and access to resources result in so little resolution and accomplishment?

I am ready to see those Conservative values include real spending reforms and long term tax relief with an emphasis on infrastructure. Democrats have their role in that effort and a serious effort to reach over and skim some moderates and disgruntled Dems would be nice to see.
... Any o' you lads wanna address the thread topic??

... War in Ukraine... War in Israel.

... When's the military DRAFT coming??
How many joeys at university will support THAT??

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... Any o' you lads wanna address the thread topic??

... War in Ukraine... War in Israel.

... When's the military DRAFT coming??
How many joeys at university will support THAT??

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Why are you not surprised Salty that they try to change the subject when it is something they can't defend

We have already see that Less than HALF of Democrats say they're willing to die fighting for America if another country invaded

So what would these leftist coward be doing if Hamas invaded the US like they did Israel, pulling out innocent women, civilians, etc from their home, butchering them and parading them in the streets. Where would the leftists be hiding and cowering?
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen this train is getting way off the tracks Time to get back on the tropic