WFT this board is worse than K-drama

Cosyg's Avatar
  • Cosyg
  • 02-15-2024, 04:34 PM
Is it just me but I can’t believe any intel on this board anymore
I’ve come to the conclusion that only a few people that I can trust, and best way to do that is see who you have similar taste to and then see those same girls and after 2-3 visits if they are similar rhen you know who is trustworthy. It also helps to find a few people to trade messages with.

Also, it’s really only one person with various accounts who is posting fake reviews of studios he isn’t even allowed to visit (and creating the drama).. I’ve heard even a few studios have banned him just over the fake reviews, multiple people have stated to those studios they are fearful of him and his potential to go postal. Even talked to a few girls he has seen, shown them the posts (and they have translated it), to the point that some are fearful of him as well.
100PercentMaximumNoChill's Avatar
Is it just me but I can’t believe any intel on this board anymore Originally Posted by Cosyg

Read comment 52 by giggle. The “Intel” on the first page is majority fabricated. The studios control the board not the mongers. You shouldn’t trust a majority of the reviews.
Yeah I am done with it. It's worse than useless at this point. I will keep my account so I can check in in a couple of months to see if all this noise has died down.
What I really want to know is what is:

"WFT" ?
CaptainZman's Avatar
What I really want to know is what is:

"WFT" ? Originally Posted by marvel21
Who fucked that?

Who fucking thinks?

What fucking thread?

Which fucking turd?

I vote for Which Fucking Turd.
ntxguy's Avatar

Read comment 52 by giggle. The “Intel” on the first page is majority fabricated. The studios control the board not the mongers. You shouldn’t trust a majority of the reviews. Originally Posted by 100PercentMaximumNoChill
Speak of the devil
ntxguy's Avatar
Who fucked that?

Who fucking thinks?

What fucking thread?

Which fucking turd?

I vote for Which Fucking Turd. Originally Posted by CaptainZman
Lol!!! I agree with Which Fucking Turd. If it looks like a turd and smells like a turd it is a turd.
Cosyg's Avatar
  • Cosyg
  • 02-15-2024, 10:05 PM
Waist of Fucking Time.
However, Which Fucking Turd got my vote on this current drama
Is it just me but I can’t believe any intel on this board anymore Originally Posted by Cosyg
Apparently it’s better than K Drama which is why so many seems to love arguing and playing the keyboard warrior. In reality it’s just so easy to just be your own man and do your own recon and come to your own conclusion, and live with your own decision. It’s not that hard and trusting another persons take fully is just unwise anyhow
howdy_booty's Avatar
The fake reviews/fake pics have been going strong for years, all the way back to the AMP days, but the price hikes have made rolling the dice no longer worth it to me. I can’t remember the last time I went to a studio (pretty sure it was to see Jolie who had real pics) but I don’t patronize them anymore. I encourage everyone similarly frustrated to move on and take your business elsewhere.
There are a some drama queens. And there are promoters. But I think the board is useful, particularly if there are multiple reviews. I just wish more folks would share pricing in ROS.
There are a some drama queens. And there are promoters. But I think the board is useful, particularly if there are multiple reviews. I just wish more folks would share pricing in ROS. Originally Posted by TravelerX
I’d agree, or atleast people announcing which girls are up selling. I try to atleast out in about skin or msog tax

Also, the drama is childish mostly due to the fact that 1 poster is the one who is posting completely false reviews (he isn’t allowed to a number of studios) then he claims others are posting fake reviews. The one posting the numerous and multiple fake reviews, then says he is the most truth worthy person on the board. Many people don’t are but when you claim to be fighting to clean up the board so it’s all real reviews, don’t be doing fake ones as well.
ihump@amps's Avatar
If the encounter title has between 9-34 words and quotes lyrics or film, ignore

If every encounter is at same Studio or AMP, ignore.

If they've been a member for 6 months and have over 1k posts, ignore.

I get more info via pm than the encounters.
Stay safe
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
The drama and gaslighting on this board goes beyond just the K-studios. It slowly started many years ago and culminated to what it is now. I do not think the hobby nor this board will ever be the same as it was in the hooker heyday.

There are reasons why providers rarely, if ever, post here but one reason is, the promoters do it for them. They stand in the background and do mediocre sessions while when anyone who has the gonads stands up and gives their opinion on the lame session they had, the WKs will stand up for them so they keep doing the same shitty sessions because there are no repercussions of doing so.

Another reason ladies do not post is the fact that this site is a good ole boy site and if she does post her opinion, she gets eaten alive. Many guys are in the same boat due to the most frequent posters following them around online just to quote a post and disagree with them.

Gone are the days of having fun in the hobby and providing intel without getting your ass handed to you by the peanut gallery. Reason it will never return is there is no one on this site, especially staff members, who will take a stand and say, "that is enough", instead, they allow the bullshit, let it fester with no consequences and the frequent posters keep pushing the envelope.

Any community that has more lurkers than posting members is not much of a community is it?