Hetch Hetchy and Liberal Fraticide

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Some liberals prefer salmon swimming upstream over dams, reservoirs, and hydroelectric power. They would rather have nature in all her pristine glory, seen and used by few, than the monumental benefits of impounded water and virtually free electricity. Many a liberal wants to return the Yosemite Valley, a national treasure, to its original glory.


However, the city of San Fransisco gets 20% of its power, and 80% of its water, from Hetch Hetchy. So, as a conservative, what do you choose? Letting the faggot city of San Francisco dry out and die, or letting the environmentalist idiots destroy a magnificient damn and reservoir with all the benefits a dam provides lost to mankind? I love watching one group of liberals want to kill the other but I hate to see dams destroyed that provide all that electricity, free and clean, that your country needs!!!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I am sure our president will figure it out or not
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is that even English, Goyishe Janitor?
Some liberals prefer salmon swimming upstream over dams, reservoirs, and hydroelectric power. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
October cannot get here soon enough!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Is that even English, Goyishe Janitor? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fuck you, goyische kop
fuck you leave early.
Yesterday would not have been soon enough.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
fuck you leave early. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No, fuck you, faggot!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
As clearly implied by my comments on the matter, the stupid fucking liberals of California were too stupid to realize how badly they needed water when they seriously contemplated tearing down the damn at Hetch Hetchy. Many a liberal would have done it, then blamed global warming when the water ran out. They are destroying your country - wake the fuck up!! California is in a 100 year drought
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well the left says that we can do something about global warming by conserving energy, controlling greenhouse gases, and generally being asses to everyone else. California has been going green for over 30 years and they are the center of all green activity. It has to follow that they have had an effect on the climate (or what's the point right?). The reason that there is a drought is what the weatherman calls a high pressure ridge off the coast of California. Is it possible (of course it is or all this worry about global warming is moot) that the activies of California have indeed affected the climate causing the drought.

The people of California by going green have brought about their own destruction by tampering with nature!
Bet you read that off the internet
So, as a conservative, what do you choose? Letting the faggot city of San Francisco dry out and die, or letting the environmentalist idiots destroy a magnificient damn and reservoir with all the benefits a dam provides lost to mankind? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

where is the choice we are to make? the city drying out OR the dam's destruction? isn't that the same thing?

the city dries out if there's no water

AND that could happen if the environmentalists destroy the dam

the OR is misused

now the city of san francisco does sit on the west coast of America and works to change the nature of America without consensus and not in the prescribed constitutional manner ..much like a virus lurks in the subterranean nether regions of a computer's registry...working to destroy the organizing principles of that system, remaking it into some foreign thing....

so yeah ..im with the environmentalists on this one..let it die...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
where is the choice we are to make? the city drying out OR the dam's destruction? isn't that the same thing?

the city dries out if there's no water

AND that could happen if the environmentalists destroy the dam

the OR is misused

now the city of san francisco does sit on the west coast of America and works to change the nature of America without consensus and not in the prescribed constitutional manner ..much like a virus lurks in the subterranean nether regions of a computer's registry...working to destroy the organizing principles of that system, remaking it into some foreign thing....

so yeah ..im with the environmentalists on this one..let it die... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I've come around to your way of thinking on this matter. Destroy the Hetch Hetchy reservoir so San Fransisco suffers!!! Now, about the water lines from upstate NY going to NYC - that is another environmental disaster....
lustylad's Avatar
Hey JL, I read the link and didn't see anything about salmon trying to swim all the way upstream to the Hetch Hetchy. Wrong dam? Anyway, the greenies already lost the argument a century ago. There is no way that dam/reservoir will be torn down/drained.

Btw, how many people prefer wild salmon (e.g. Copper River) over farm-raised salmon? Where I live you have to pay 50% more for the wild stuff.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hey JL, I read the link and didn't see anything about salmon trying to swim all the way upstream to the Hetch Hetchy. Wrong dam? Anyway, the greenies already lost the argument a century ago. There is no way that dam/reservoir will be torn down/drained.

Btw, how many people prefer wild salmon (e.g. Copper River) over farm-raised salmon? Where I live you have to pay 50% more for the wild stuff. Originally Posted by lustylad
It is a matter of restoring a magnificent valley to its natural state. So, billions will be spent on that so a few people can camp out, billions in electricity will be lost, and San Francisco will dry up. Classic liberal mindset and lack of intelligence. An alternate title would be "The False Prophets of Environmentalism".