Why was this in the speech?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I like to read transcripts rather than listen to the speech. I read these things this morning and I have to say that they are unsettling.

“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”

Do you suppose that he was telegraphing something?

Of course he talked about his year of action...

“This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!”

and now he is going to go after the youth vote again

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”

Besides all the lies spoken last night these little passages give one pause. Are we seeing the end of a great nation with these words?

"If the politicians cannot follow my example then I shall be forced, by their inaction, to move forward alone. My will shall lead the nation and the politicians shall follow."

I have a pen and a phone?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you can't understand what he was saying or trying to say, then you're a bigger idiot than you are an asshole, bub.

“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”

"If the politicians cannot follow my example then I shall be forced, by their inaction, to move forward alone. My will shall lead the nation and the politicians shall follow."
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

not equating the two, well slightly I admit, but Hitler projected this idea of his force of will

the italian fascists had the March of the Iron Will or the Iron Will Column, it was one of their propaganda events

Hitler believed in his IRON WILL and that his resoluteness would make all the difference

his governing style was based on the Leadership principle. underlings gave unquestioning obedience to their superiors and as he was at the top of the Leadership pyramid, he was The Leader.

it could be that Obama keeps shooting himself in the foot applying terms and slogans of dictators and totalitarians to himself. Perhaps he isn't well educated. But then again, maybe he knows what he's doing.

his re-election campaign used the "Forward" slogan, a Marxist slogan used by lenin, stalin, mao et al, now its his "will"

as maya angelou, that wonderfully talented poet laureate herself once said, “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I like to read transcripts rather than listen to the speech. I read these things this morning and I have to say that they are unsettling.

“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”

Do you suppose that he was telegraphing something?

Of course he talked about his year of action...

“This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!”

and now he is going to go after the youth vote again

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”

Besides all the lies spoken last night these little passages give one pause. Are we seeing the end of a great nation with these words?

"If the politicians cannot follow my example then I shall be forced, by their inaction, to move forward alone. My will shall lead the nation and the politicians shall follow."

I have a pen and a phone? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Did he really say that? I mean, seriously? I didn't hear the speech or read the transcripts. I don't think that was in the SOTU.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I only know what I read on the Internet.
LexusLover's Avatar
I only know what I read on the Internet. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That could be problematic... to say the least.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is not hard to understand when you take a look at the people he has or has tried to surround himself with.

Maybe he was channeling his buddy Hugo
I only know what I read on the Internet. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That statement explains a lot about you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Note to Eva: Look up Will Rogers...
Note to Eva: Look up Will Rogers... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It said Will Rogers never met JD Barleycorn.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm just guessing but I think you pulled a fast one on the suckers...good job.
I just took him at his word..if he was perfidious so be it
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well I got one stupid sucker but I'm going to give it another 24 hours before I reel in Eva.
Well I got one stupid sucker but I'm going to give it another 24 hours before I reel in Eva. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Shit you must have read that on the internet, you are way too slow for me sucker.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You've already got the hook in your mouth. I just need to set it and then the fun begins.