Two boys in a pharmacy

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  • TRIN
  • 05-31-2014, 08:25 PM
Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter.
The pharmacist at the counter asked the older boy, 'Son, how old are you?'
'Eight', the boy replied.
The man continued, 'Do you know what these are used for?'
The boy replied, 'Not exactly, but they aren't for me. They're for him. He's my brother. He's four."...
"Oh, really?" the pharmacist replied with a grin.
"Yes." the boy said. "We saw on TV that if you use these, you would be able to swim, play tennis and ride a bike. Right now, he can't do none of those."
That was funny, but reminded me of my little brother when we were growing up.

One afternoon my younger brother waltzed into the kitchen to tell my mom his problem, (he was 8 at the time)
Bro. Mom, I need some preparation H.

Mom. Do you know what that is for?

Bro. Yep, it is for my feet.

Mom. What is wrong with your feet?

Bro. They are sore, I have been standing on them all day

Mom. What makes you think preparation H will help you.

Bro. I just saw the commercial on TV, and they said if you have been standing on your feet all day and you have sore hemorids, that stuff will help.

Mom. Do you know what hemroids are?

Bro. They are on my feet right?

Mom. No

Then mom gave a little biology lesson.

My older sister and I were laughing our asses off, the look on my younger brothers face was priceless....

He decided on his own, he really did not need the Preperation H.
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I've never played tennis before.......Now I know what to do if I wanna play!
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I remember when I was a boy of about 7 or 8 years old. We lived in a small farm town in southeast Texas, population of about 3500. We would walk/ bike anywhere we wanted by ourselves or with a brother/ sister/cousin. One lazy summer afternoon about 6 pm, the sidewalks had already been rolled up downtown and my older brother , myself and my older cousin were taking a stroll through the quiet town looking for something to get into. They were probably about 5 years older than me. How it exactly came to happen I can't remember, but there was a small trash bin at the corner of the sidewalk attached to the stop sign poll. Being bored I believe my bro or cousin looked inside. They pull out a long tubular shaped piece of paper and start to snicker. Now, I was able to read it but was to young to know what "Tampax" meant written on that wrapper. I't killed me to see them giggling like girls and me not knowing what was up. I begged them to tell me what was up and they just kept teasing. Then, an idea hit. I could tell it was something that 3 young boys probably shouldn't be messing with and I told them if they didn't tell me I would start yelling " TAMPAX" at the top of my lungs. They called my bluff. Now, I was always the kid in class being hushed by the teacher. My voice just carries I guess. Well on that particular evening, it was summer, hot, humid and quiet and boy did my voice carry out the word "TAMPAX". I think I may have yelled it about 20 times before they couldn't take it any more and told me what it was for. I think back on that every couple years and chuckle at the memory of myself walking down the downtown sidewalk yelling "TAMPAX" while my Bro and cousin walked behind me laughing hysterically. True story. Sorry for the long rant.
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