Venturing out of the city....

LexiSux's Avatar
I am so over this lockdown, I am still pretty new to the city, and thinking about returning to work. I am curious if I wanted to leave the city and travel upstate where would/should I go? More importantly, besides having a few fun visits, is there anything upstate open like bars or clubs, I need be social soooo bad the craving is killing me
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Should have left the city 3 months ago evidently it's a death trap.
LexiSux's Avatar
Should have left the city 3 months ago evidently it's a death trap. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I love it here when all this craziness is not going on, but maybe you're right. I just don't know where else isn't under a lockdown too. At least other places are not such a concrete jungle lol I've really left my house maybe 10 times tops since this started. Grocery store and 2x to target. Line was so long both times to get into Target I just turned around.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Maine is always lovely.
Fun places like bars and restaurants are closed here also. We all live under the dictatorship of cuomo. This lockdown has been bullshit from the start. cuomo is "shocked" that the percentage of new infections is so high for people who have isolated themselves and low among essential worker which just means the lockdown did not slow the virus down, it just ruined the lives of so many people.
If you come to western New York I will certainly want to meet you and have a fun time.
Zollner's Avatar
I love it here when all this craziness is not going on... Originally Posted by LexiSux
Ain't much better here.

What part of the city you in?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Be careful Z!
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Which pronouns do you identify with? Whew

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Be careful Z! Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Z's type? Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
N Am careful. Not my type at all but upon checking get what you warned about!....LOL

You see at first and merely looking at OP's avatar, I didn't scan as deeply as you did N. Generally I don't look for things like that as apparently you do and TY for the heads up.

Never had any urge to take a walk on the wild side......not that there is anything wrong with that.....
Dzaddy_D's Avatar