The Rona and visits

To peeps that understand science... Are yall gonna see sex workers anymore? I mean obviously most sex workers will get the Rona and most will recover but are you going to wait a while until that happens and general herd immunity is achieved?

Obviously, for the same reason visiting a medical setting or any place, there are more people is a risk. Now sex workers aren't seeing 50 peeps a day but they are obviously intimate with all these peeps and the Rona is nearly unavoidable. In the next two years, 50-70 of the world will be exposed to it, that doesn't fare well for sex workers and clients IMO, now that's obviously only scary AF if you're vulnerable or don't want permanent lung damage from an illness. Curious how peeps who understand and accept science are thinking about this.
If you are a sickly person, old, fat or have diabetes you should stay home to avoid the corona. If you are healthy you should be allowed to live as you want, not be told what to do by the Albany dictator. Most people never show symptoms or never know they had it. The percentage that die is small and unless you are sickly it is very small. Hide at home if you want, but the rest of us should be allowed to live our lives. Stopping the education of kids is a crime also.
lilylivered's Avatar
Stopping the education of kids is a crime also. Originally Posted by Ranger Dog
Might slow down the indoctrination...
If you are a sickly person, old, fat or have diabetes you should stay home to avoid the corona. If you are healthy you should be allowed to live as you want, not be told what to do by the Albany dictator. Most people never show symptoms or never know they had it. The percentage that die is small and unless you are sickly it is very small. Hide at home if you want, but the rest of us should be allowed to live our lives. Stopping the education of kids is a crime also. Originally Posted by Ranger Dog
you think providers and johns arent particularly vulnerable you're kidding yourself. you think they won't be carriers like many health professionals, you're kidding yourself. this isn't about Albany or politics. that's for the sheep to get caught up in and die from either side. this is about common sense and science.

let's come back to this post in September and see how many providers are known dead, members are known dead, or have "gone quiet" aka dead. I'm fine eating my words, I hope I'm wrong af.
Even dogs get it
Even dogs get it. Dumb ass. It's an animal virus to begin with.
And dirty birds
rooster's Avatar
Even dogs get it. Dumb ass. It's an animal virus to begin with. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Not sure who the dumb ass izzzz...

That doesn't mean ALL animals get it. And obviously, it is a major concern if a pet that is owned by millions of people can possibly get it..or worse. The last I knew, there weren't very many 'mericans who kept bats as pets. There are plenty who are BSC. But even most of them prefer dogs.

this is about common sense and science. Originally Posted by dupree99


If you are terrified of Corona.... stay at home....
but stop demanding that your neighbors live in the same fear that you chose for yourself.....
Willie Wanker's Avatar


If you are terrified of Corona.... stay at home....
but stop demanding that your neighbors live in the same fear that you chose for yourself..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar


If you are terrified of Corona.... stay at home....
but stop demanding that your neighbors live in the same fear that you chose for yourself..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

friends and neighbors staying home?! who said anything about that? it's about banging hookers.
Naughty.Nikki's Avatar
This thread is a bit late out of the gate. Perhaps it would have sounded colledge around 3/16
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
Its been in the US since October.

Some escorts may have a stronger immunity because they are exposed to pathogens everyday people are not doing sex work. Same with those in the service industries.

I'll add, do you realize your hairdresser, your cashier, your mechanic, your waitress, your car salesman, etc is exposed to more people than an escort?
This thread is a bit late out of the gate. Perhaps it would have sounded colledge around 3/16 Originally Posted by Naughty.Nikki
that's a fair point, just came to mind as peeps are getting restless and lonely and stressed as this bs drags on.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Merge with the definitive judgement threD. Notice the curve of concern as it peaks and flattens. Needs a second wave of moral conviction and adherence whew