But... I Banned Travel from China!

Chung Tran's Avatar
yeah, that's about all you did...


you didn't do shit otherwise, and fucked away 2 months, while the "hidden enemy" savaged our people.
bambino's Avatar
You’re to big to be a monkey, to small to be a man. Chung Tran the hooker board troll.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Peggy Sue, you always respond with a dumb insult.. deflect, that is the Trump mantra.
HoeHummer's Avatar
At least Peggy Sue’s not stalking yous, CT!

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So this is an admission that you were wrong Chung. Now, you admit that Trump did take early steps (long before ANY democrat did) but now you want argue 20/20 hindsight. Typical lib reaction, you see a parade, you evaluate whether the parade is popular, then you try to get to the front to claim to be an organizer.
yeah, that's about all you did...


you didn't do shit otherwise, and fucked away 2 months, while the "hidden enemy" savaged our people. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Again, everyone continues to ignore that at the same time Trump declared the Public Health Emergency which opened the doors for State(largely Governors) and even Local governments to tap into Federal resources to be able to address their own issues.

But instead of doing that they went about their business of telling people to visit the bars, restaurants, parades, come down for Mardi Gras, etc. etc.

It's funny watching the hypocrisy unfold in this area as well. In several threads now, the libs say Trump can't get the governors to re-open things if they don't want to. Where were these same governors when the pandemic was unfolding and had access to resources. They sure as hell weren't sounding the bell then.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump did not react fast enough to defend against this virus. To say otherwise is foolish. He is reacting now but it is too late. It's here now and spreading.

That's what happens when you have an inept president who doesn't listen to anyone about a crisis until it's too late... for the loyal Trump lovers who disagree with my simple common sense assessment, fuck off and bring it blouses. I'm working from home and I am bored.

A certain five of you should not bother though because I have your retarded Trump loving asses on ignore because you are not worth my time.
Trump did not react fast enough to defend against this virus. To say otherwise is foolish. He is reacting now but it is too late. It's here now and spreading.

That's what happens when you have an inept president who doesn't listen to anyone about a crisis until it's too late... for the loyal Trump lovers who disagree with my simple common sense assessment, fuck off and bring it blouses. I'm working from home for a long time. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
LOL...The point is no one reacted fast enough and no one had accurate information in the beginning to act on and to politicize and only blame Trump is foolhardy. In several instances, he did indeed act faster than any Dem governor or the House with their only focus being impeachment. Lots of factors in what happened and 20/20 hindsight now. Trump acted based on the general consensus of the knowledge out there as did may of the Dems saying to go ahead out in public for whatever(parades/restaurants/gatherings/Mardi Gras/etc.)

And as you say it's here now and spreading, we should be moving forward, not trying to blame anyone.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
yeah, that's about all you did... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Wonder what was going on ahead of that? Who was doing what? How much interdependence was involved? Are there just too many darned coincidences to ignore? Ever heard of the phrase collusion? At what point do you go HMMMMMM...?

December 19, 2019 ring any bells?
President Trump has been Impeached

January 14, 2020 WHO don't see no stinking CORONAVIRUS danger

January 15, 2020 Remember all those fancy-schmancy Nancy pens?
Articles of impeachment delivered to Senate, triggering historic trial of President Trump

Wait! Weren't the articles finished on Dec 19, 2019, but not delivered to the Senate until Jan 15, 2020? HMMMMM...
Yet and although, Trump was called a racist and xenophobe on January 31, 2020 by a long list of the usually colluding suspects, including Joe Biden and Pelosi? HMMMMMM...

Maybe being a guppy in a fish bowl is your thang
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump did not react fast enough to defend against this virus. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Effective leaders don't "react," but know-nothing anonymous posters do.
Effective leaders don't "react," but know-nothing anonymous posters do. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Amen my brother!
  • oeb11
  • 04-12-2020, 07:39 AM
Agreed - and TBC - one of the better lib descriptions i have ever read!!
Thank You~!
bambino's Avatar
Peggy Sue, you always respond with a dumb insult.. deflect, that is the Trump mantra. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Your threads don’t deserve serious consideration Tranny Troll. To big to be a monkey, to small to be a man.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Your threads don’t deserve serious consideration Tranny Troll. To big to be a monkey, to small to be a man. Originally Posted by bambino
Yous sure like animals, bumbeaner!

Just can’t talk about them here, eh? Yet yous do,

Didn’t he have yous on ignore?
bambino's Avatar
At least Peggy Sue’s not stalking yous, CT!

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That’s right, I’m not. But YOUS an expert on stalking HoDummer. That’s why Asswipe Rider is on an extended bancation. Isn’t that right PiggyJew?