Trump threatens to shutter Congress in order to make appointees withouts confirmation.

HoeHummer's Avatar
Powers grab?

Coups d’etat?

Jobs for his cronies and their families?

Smells like your White House has gone round the bend.

Interested to hear what the liberty loving Trump faithful have to say about this stuff.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Powers grab?

Coups d’etat?

Jobs for his cronies and their families?

Smells like your White House has gone round the bend.

Interested to hear what the liberty loving Trump faithful have to say about this stuff.
Originally Posted by HoeHummer

he hasn't gone around the bend and no, the house is not on fire....

obviously your head is on fire....

he clearly has authority to force both houses to adjourn.

its not a coup in any sense of the word...

for him, its a way to over-ride congress on his recess appointments.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Actually, I think he will have to shut them down, even if temporary, because there seems to be an arcane law that refrains TRUMP2020 from arresting members of Congress whilst it's "in session". So let's get the party started.
Powers grab?

Coups d’etat? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Neither, actually. Your own cited source says the power is granted right in the Constitution.

Article II, Section 3, Clause 3 of the US constitution gives a president the power to adjourn both chambers if they cannot agree on an adjourn date.
Sounds to this liberty loving American that our great Founding Fathers foresaw the chance of an Congress so beset by Partisanship, that they granted the POTUS the power if needed.

But, not surprising a fake Canuck would have no concept of the Constitution of the U.S.
bambino's Avatar
Neither, actually. Your own cited source says the power is granted right in the Constitution.

Sounds to this liberty loving American that our great Founding Fathers foresaw the chance of an Congress so beset by Partisanship, that they granted the POTUS the power if needed.

But, not surprising a fake Canuck would have no concept of the Constitution of the U.S. Originally Posted by eccielover
They’re getting paid to sit at home while people are going bankrupt. But hey, Pelosi funded the Kennedy Center for performing Artrs!!! Way to go Nancy.
  • oeb11
  • 04-16-2020, 07:03 AM
The house has been obstructing his administration appointments, and now Pelosi Schumer hypocritically criticize administration delays due to unfilled positions.

While the house is out of session lsst week and this week. Pelosi is playing in her kalifornia mansion while the taxpayers walk through the shit in the streets and on sidewalks in SF.

Hypocritical DPST's!!

Kennedy Center should be funded from the pockets of the Kennedys and other wealthy - like Soros

One good thing - a threat from Trump might bring the obstructionists back into town and session to fill some vacancies.
One good thing - a threat from Trump might bring the obstructionists back into town and session to fill some vacancies. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yes, indeed. Trump needs to continue to flex the authority granted to him. If they don't want to govern or even attend, then it's recess time.

Exactly as the Constitution allows for.
HoeHummer's Avatar
When was the last time any US President shut down Congresss?

Why didn’t Obama shut down a Congress when McConnell declared he would obstruct everything and everyone Obama proposed? That would have been his “total authority.”

So yous guys believe this is just another day at the office?

Sounds like the street riots will begin any moment. The night of breaking glass, eh?

America’s biggest enemy isn’t the virus. It’s the fungus in the White House.
HoeHummer's Avatar
he hasn't gone around the bend and no, the house is not on fire....

obviously your head is on fire....

he clearly has authority to force both houses to adjourn.

its not a coup in any sense of the word...

for him, its a way to over-ride congress on his recess appointments. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Override Congress?

I’m not surprised that yous would advocate such a thing.

But everybody knows tha yous and your pals put Trump above the law.

Gotta leave this world behind.
When was the last time any US President shut down Congresss?

Why didn’t Obama shut down a Congress when McConnell declared he would obstruct everything and everyone Obama proposed? That would have been his “total authority.” Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Obama in several instances could have called for that when there was disagreement.

Instead he tried to do recess appointments without shutting down Congress and as was usual for Obama, got smacked down by the SCOTUS for illegal/unconstitutional actions.

As was pointed out, Trump is simply "threating" his Constitutional power to resolve the inaction and partisanship of the Congress.

That it hasn't been done before doesn't mean it's not right there in the Constitution as your original citation stated.

That it somehow offends you is, well tough shit.

Guessing Congress will act in one way or another and we'll see who wins that battle.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Obama in several instances could have called for that when there was disagreement.

Instead he tried to do recess appointments without shutting down Congress and as was usual for Obama, got smacked down by the SCOTUS for illegal/unconstitutional actions.

As was pointed out, Trump is simply "threating" his Constitutional power to resolve the inaction and partisanship of the Congress.

That it hasn't been done before doesn't mean it's not right there in the Constitution as your original citation stated.

That it somehow offends you is, well tough shit.

Guessing Congress will act in one way or another and we'll see who wins that battle. Originally Posted by eccielover
So do yous agree with Trump that he has total authority to do whatever he likes?

Seems like yous are ready to rally round the flag...
So do yous agree with Trump that he has total authority to do whatever he likes? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Not at all. Only a fake Canuck would extrapolate that from the discussion at hand.

In regards to Congressional recesses he has the authority in question.

Your own citation directly referenced that authority.

You guys crack me up ginning up faux outrage at something your own references say is completely legal.
HoeHummer's Avatar

How about a fake POTUS?

Do you deny Trump spent Monday’s presser claiming that he had total authority in your country?

The discussion at hands, being that I was the one who posted it, is that Trump behaves like he can do whatever he likes and always has.

The handwriting is on the wall, bud. And it’s been written s with a SHARPIE.
The discussion at hands, being that I was the one who posted it, is that Trump behaves like he can do whatever he likes and always has. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
And here you posted the discussion at hands was.

Trump threatens to shutter Congress in order to make appointees withouts confirmation.
and posted a link to an article confirming that he does have that power.

Do you deny he has that power, or are you just upset you posted the answer to your own thread in the beginning?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yes, indeed. Trump needs to continue to flex the authority granted to him.... Originally Posted by eccielover