I am leaving the hobby...

...for 3 weeks or so while I am out of town.

I thought I would offer our local lovelies a chance to partake in THE Gentleman experience at half off normal rates for an hour.

Kinda like the ladies do when they retire or return under a new name.

I need the money to pay for this cruise!

Ladies, PM for more info. Leaving Saturday morning. See me while you can!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-26-2014, 06:19 PM
Played like a true Cheap Bastard.
fun2come's Avatar
Dang it, I just came back from 6 weeks Spring Break, and am desperate for some action.

While I cannot offer the Gentleman experience, I certainly can offer the Fun2Cum show at half rates (Hey, I can be as cheap as the next guy).

To not interfere and get Gentleman's wrath (oh the drama it would bring to the boards), I will only accept offers after Saturday.

PM me, or if you already have my email/text, PM me anyway.
Still Looking's Avatar
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-26-2014, 06:26 PM
Can you hear them?

Listen closely...


I can offer the Cheap Bastard rate.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Can I pay you in orgasms? or since I am just so cute can I have an even bigger discount??Ill even write you a review and make you famous.....
VL, that is probably the best offer I have had yet but unfortunately will have to pass as I have almost run out of time and need to start packing. I try to leave room in my schedule for any unknown catastrophies: car won't start, I overslept, cell phone went dead, my Mom died (again), ran out of condoms, etc. Thanks sweetie!
But I am not so much a cheap bastard that I would ask you to pay me less than half of your normal rate. BTW, are you willing to pay in YOUR orgasms or MINE???
And I do have a no review policy so all I can do is threADS...

AS always, love ya!