The FINAL DAYS of Glenn Beck

Yssup Rider's Avatar
How do you think Glenn Beck will fare now that he's leaving the friendly confines of Fox News?

I think he became too big for the network, and even though he chased more than 400 sponsors away from FNN, he had monster ratings, especially after calling President Obama a racist and "staging" his rally in Washington, which from all accounts could have been done in a studio with motion capture technology. Chit, it might have been, but that's the subject of another thread.

I'm not a regular Fox viewer, though I do watch it from time to time just to get a different take on things. However, I've ALWAYS found Glenn Beck to be an embarrassment to the journalism, to TV and to America.

Frankly, I don't think he'll fare very well without the center and left leaning Fox viewers. That I say in relative terms. He appeals to the craziest of the crazy ... kind of like a spoof within a spoof. Or a televangelist.

Fox will probably be a LOT better off without this clown. And when he can't find any legitimate sponsors, or winds up in bed with some dangerous mofos and gets implicated himself (through his own stupidity) he'll just fade away.

June 30. Mark your calendars!

  • Booth
  • 06-05-2011, 10:10 AM
Good riddance to one of the worst con men of our time.
Glenn Beck interview..Explains how he found Mormonism, his drug and alcohol addiction, and of course, plenty of crying.
That guy is always yappin yappin yappin. I liked him once, but he got too big for his britches. He talks too much.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Perhaps he plans a three week "Sherman's March to the Sea," to leave everything in his wake a burning heap of rubble?

We'll need to watch this closely. For some reason, I don't trust the "just going away" scenario.
gfejunkie's Avatar
It is good to know he takes up that much space inside your heads.

That alone is testament to his success.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, amigo, he obviously takes up space in a LOT of people's heads because of his ratings, wouldn't you say? How often do you watch his show, GFE?

Here are some of the better moments:

Then again, a lot of those folks have a lot of vacant space up there for him to inhabit. Just mjo.
I watched his show one time. Within 5 minutes, I had seen enough. I've had no desire to watch him since.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Come one, Big Shasta! How about Paul Boesch? I know you watched that! At least he was genuine!
Mojojo's Avatar
This is what happens when fame gets to them and ratings matter more than news.
oralick's Avatar
He even got too flagrant for Fox? Wow. I thought they were a match made in Heaven, Jimmy Swaggart's Heaven that is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, ratings are one thing. But when you run off 400 paying sponsors, that's completely another.

Beck might have helped Fox's audience, but he ran off so many sponsors that it didn't matter how large the audience was. That's paradoxical in traditional broadcasting, but at the end of the day, Murdoch, Ailes and the rest are driven by profit, not prophet!
oralick's Avatar
I mean, we are talking Fox Network here, which acknowledged in a lawsuit that they fired 2 of their investigative reporters when the reporters would not make false statements that a Monsanto Product was harmless, when the reporters had information to the contrary. The Florida Court (Florida, sheesh) upheld Fox's right to provide incorrect and fabricated news, and boy, have they ever done so. ( Google it, it is pretty incredible, as well as sad). And then you have Dan Rather, a icon of truth in journalism, who stepped away when he reported information that could not be verified. CAN AMERICANS SEE THE DIFFERENCE HERE?
  • Booth
  • 06-05-2011, 01:01 PM
The network has been distancing itself from Beck ever since his "New World Order" BS in response to the regime change in Egypt. His co-workers and colleagues no longer have his back. It kind of parallels a situation I see here on the board.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Reminds me of "Network." WHAT A GREAT MOVIE! Who'd have thought back then that we'd actually live to see this scenario play out in the 21st century?