How desperate is Biden? He is blaming Trump for the debacle in Afghanistan

Remember Joes horrendous withdrawal from Afghanistan?
You remember... The service members killed....
And he left al the tanks and weapons for the Taliban...

He didn't listen...

It seems the Media want's to pin this on Trump
Surprise Surprise

Generals said "NO" Top U.S. generals say they advised against full Afghanistan withdrawal

If you voted for Biden, you own this
Come on man! Defend Joe. You voted for these deaths. You own them

Trump did not vote for the war in Afghanistan. Joe Biden did vote for the war in Afghanistan. Do not try to spin it. You will lose.

Admit it, you made a mistake voting for Biden.
So bidens fault for deaths in a war started 20 years ago? Service members die in wartime. War is over. Trump was too scared to end it.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So bidens fault for deaths in a war started 20 years ago? Service members die in wartime. War is over. Trump was too scared to end it. Originally Posted by royamcr
Senator Joe Biden voted for the war in Afghanistan, citizen Trump didn't.
The Biden people say that everything went as best as it could have and they're proud of what they did...but then they turn around and blame Trump. For what? I thought things went well. What is there to blame?
So bidens fault for deaths in a war started 20 years ago? Service members die in wartime. War is over. Trump was too scared to end it. Originally Posted by royamcr
I hate to bust your snot bubble... General's told Biden NO!

Do you hear that? SNOT BUBBLE POP!
They advised against it, for various reasons. It is foolish to think that generals told the commander in cheif NO... It was your cult leader trump that negotiated the exit anyway.
So far there hasn't been any major issues since the war so kudos to joe for being bold and brave to do the right thing and end the unwinnable 20 year war.
... The onley "major issue" is the taliban or whomever
NOW have all that military equipment left behind.

How nice. ... And no major issue other than the Americans
left behind.

And of course THOSE AMERICANS DEAD! :Blowup:

#### Salty
... The onley "major issue" is the taliban or whomever
NOW have all that military equipment left behind.

How nice. ... And no major issue other than the Americans
left behind.

And of course THOSE AMERICANS DEAD! :Blowup:

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Ya I saw a picture of it all lined up.. They said it is all repaired but that is doubtful. A lot of the power plants were destroyed. They can't easily get parts for any of them. At best they were able to harvest some parts from one and put on another to make one functional. It may have taken parts from 10 or more vehicles to make 1 operational. Can't exactly go down to O'reilys in the states to get parts for them, and definitely can't in the desert.

It isn't anything new to leave behind war machinery. It costs too much and is dangerous to retrieve it all. You mean you want to send troops out to fetch a big jeep and risk their lives. Times that by 100s of them? That is stupid. That is even if they can find them all. If war breaks out again I'm sure they will be no problem spotting and destroying... Remember there isn't a war there now, they are just big jeeps and personel carriers. Some aircraft of course but they won't last long in that shithole sand box.

You mean the Afghan allies left behind, that didn't want to leave? Then it was too late? That is an ongoing operation and complicated. Haven't heard much in the way of any of them being killed. In a lot of cases that is their home, with all their family and possesions. Upon exit were we supposed to send in Ryder trucks and load up their stuff? I swear trumptards are the dumbest sum bitches around.

In a time of war service members die. It is unfortunate but it is reality. How many more would have died in the last year and half if the war was still going on and into the future? If we didn't exit the shit was gonna hit the fan and we would be knee deep back in it in no time. We only had a relatively small security force there at the time of exit, no where near a fighting force.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They advised against it, for various reasons. It is foolish to think that generals told the commander in cheif NO... It was your cult leader trump that negotiated the exit anyway. Originally Posted by royamcr

Biden wasn't bound by any agreement Trump made. it wasn't a treaty ratified by the Senate. Biden could have done anything he wanted. Trump's plan did not include abandoning Bagram air base. that was a fool's mistake by Biden and Biden alone and his Generals advised against it. the plan to keep Bagram air base was to prevent exactly what happened, the Afghan military and government were a bunch of pussies who ran the first time some taliban asshole fires at them.

the US military knew for years the Afghan army was not capable. their troops wouldn't show up for duty unless it was payday and most of the time they were under the influence of {forbidden topic}.

keeping Bagram air base was supposed to provide backup to the afghan army if the taliban attacked.

So far there hasn't been any major issues since the war so kudos to joe for being bold and brave to do the right thing and end the unwinnable 20 year war. Originally Posted by royamcr

it was Trump who wanted the US out of foreign conflicts, Obama had eight years and did nothing.

Ya I saw a picture of it all lined up.. They said it is all repaired but that is doubtful. A lot of the power plants were destroyed. They can't easily get parts for any of them. At best they were able to harvest some parts from one and put on another to make one functional. It may have taken parts from 10 or more vehicles to make 1 operational. Can't exactly go down to O'reilys in the states to get parts for them, and definitely can't in the desert.

It isn't anything new to leave behind war machinery. It costs too much and is dangerous to retrieve it all. You mean you want to send troops out to fetch a big jeep and risk their lives. Times that by 100s of them? That is stupid. That is even if they can find them all. If war breaks out again I'm sure they will be no problem spotting and destroying... Remember there isn't a war there now, they are just big jeeps and personel carriers. Some aircraft of course but they won't last long in that shithole sand box.

You mean the Afghan allies left behind, that didn't want to leave? Then it was too late? That is an ongoing operation and complicated. Haven't heard much in the way of any of them being killed. In a lot of cases that is their home, with all their family and possesions. Upon exit were we supposed to send in Ryder trucks and load up their stuff? I swear trumptards are the dumbest sum bitches around.

In a time of war service members die. It is unfortunate but it is reality. How many more would have died in the last year and half if the war was still going on and into the future? If we didn't exit the shit was gonna hit the fan and we would be knee deep back in it in no time. We only had a relatively small security force there at the time of exit, no where near a fighting force. Originally Posted by royamcr

you really think the taliban are suddenly peaceful and not repressing any dissent in Afghanistan? and killing anyone they deem has disobeyed their religious mandates?
They advised against it, for various reasons. It is foolish to think that generals told the commander in cheif NO... It was your cult leader trump that negotiated the exit anyway. Originally Posted by royamcr
stop the tomfoolery, it is stale.

The generals told Biden NO!

They advised him to keep at least 2,500 troops in Afghanistan

So far there hasn't been any major issues since the war so kudos to joe for being bold and brave to do the right thing and end the unwinnable 20 year war. Originally Posted by royamcr

Tell that to the Afghani woman. I can't mention who else to tell it to. We are going back to Afghanistan....

Our Next War in Afghanistan Is Already Looming. And It May Be Even Harder.
... The onley "major issue" is the taliban or whomever
NOW have all that military equipment left behind.

How nice. ... And no major issue other than the Americans
left behind.

And of course THOSE AMERICANS DEAD! :Blowup:

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
only can blame it on Joe Biden and anyone that voted for Joe Biden.
stop the tomfoolery, it is stale.

The generals told Biden NO!

They advised him to keep at least 2,500 troops in Afghanistan

COME ON MAN! Originally Posted by Peter Botox
2500 troops is a target not anywhere near a force. And you still have to supply those troops. Replace/Rotate out...

2500 is like a trump rally in its hey day... only not nearly as stupid.