1. Wakes up about 11 AM, finds a half opened beer in the fridge.
2. Shoves spoiled food out of the way, watches Springer on TV.
3. Calls welfare office to inquire about the length of the line today
4. Avoids call from landlord, dead bolts the lock, ignores knocking at the door
5. If it is a Wednesday, bums a ride from a friend to go see his PO.
6. Shoplifts beer from the Korean owned grocery/beer store while his friend complains about the high prices and poor selection, loudly.
7. Trades some beer for a few hits of pot in the neighborhood park
8. Attempts to get a freebie from a hooker - when she refuses, calls her a fucking stuck up cunt
9. Gets together with his friends and complains about Republicans
10. Goes and begs on the corner for food
11. Goes to sleep at about 2 in the morning, irritated about the lack of work to be had