Just poking my head in here.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Wow the changes. Sad but it's the times we live in I guess.
DallasRain's Avatar
Hiya babe..we just gotta do what we can to have fun
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Hi sweetie, where do we go to have fun?
DallasRain's Avatar
Pm me. How long you in town?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And the long lost Roman General makes an appearance.
Welcome back MA.
Yes you still owe a bar tab.
And Dallas is always fun central.
yourdesire's Avatar
Good morning all, I know where you could have fun. Between the sexy Ms. Dallas and myself you'd have a guided tour through the best parts of playworld kc & ks.
DallasRain's Avatar
Lol thx UC and YD!!

Marcus. Sorry we couldnt meet up in Dallas Tx this week...one day though..

Hit up YD. Shes awesome tour guide!
Have fun baby!
......And Dallas is always fun central. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

Is anyone gonna tell MA that Dallas is the Energizer Bunny in disguise? Fun Central is an understatement!!